Geekville Radio #362: Acolyte Review

The controversial latest entry in the Star Wars TV lore finally premiered on Disney+. how did the first two episodes fare?

Disclaimer: Don’t let me be the downer if you like this show.

2:30 – Quick thoughts

If you watched this show to have fun, you probably had fun, If you watched it for a well-written story…

What I liked

  • The overall scale of the show as opposed to the micro-universe of the other shows
  • The pacing and the camera work fit with SW
  • The variety of aliens was top-notch.

What I didn’t like

  • There are several logical holes
  • The characters are terrible at their jobs
  • The Jedi are made to look like morons

5:00 – The Episodes

Written review for Episode 1

Written review for Episode 2

17:25 – What Does This Mean?

According to EU/Legends canon, Darth Plagueis would be a teenager around this time. His master, Darth Tenebrous, could be the Sith Lord in question, but it most likely is Darth Tenbrous’s maser, who we never got an official name for.

Of course, the show may not acknowledge the EU and have an entirely new character as the villain,

We’ll get the inevitable switcheroo between Mae and Osha because nobody seems suspicious that these two allegedly estranged twins have exactly the same look, build, and hairdo right down to the same highlights.