8) David Prowse

David Prowse was a bodybuilder in his youth and befriended Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno long before either was a household name. He got his first acting role in the 1967 James Bond film Casino Royale after becoming a championship weightlifter. In 1974, three years before Star Wars, he appeared with future Star Wars co-star Peter Cushing in Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell.
While his face was covered in a costume, Prowse did appear in the 1972 Jon Pertwee Doctor Who story The Time Monster as The Minotaur.
Of course, his most famous role also involved covering his face with a mask. Little needs to be said about Darth Vader that isn’t already common knowledge. Prowse wore the iconic black armor for the original three Star Wars films while James Earl Jones provided Vader’s voice.