New Batman animated series from JJ Abrams, Matt Reeves, and Bruce Timm set for HBO Max

It’s hard to believe that it was nearly 30 years ago when Batman: The Animated Series debuted on the Fox Network. It may be even harder to believe that it was only the second-ever Batman TV show. Now, 30 years and countless other shows later, ol’ Bats is headed back to the small screen in the form of Batman: Caped Crusader. Not only that, the show will be headed up by the impressive trio of JJ Abrams, Matt Reeves, and Bruce Timm.

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Geekville Radio #285: Venom 2, Loki, Snake-Eyes, Flash cast, He-Man

Seth and Crazy Train are back to talk the news with looks at the Venom 2 trailer, Loki, Snake Eyes, The Flash, and Masters of the Universe: Revelation.

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Geekville Radio #281

A big week for news and a pair of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier reviews!

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