Lesser-Known Geek Hall Of Fame #10: Mandrake The Magician

Lesser-Known Geek Hall Of Fame Inductee #10: Mandrake The Magician
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Geekville Radio #291: Loki & the Rest of Marvel Phase Four

Train returns to the airwaves and joins Seth to talk news on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and the upcoming 13 (!?!) Marvel MCU series for Disney+. Plus, thoughts on the Loki season finale and predictions on what might be in store for Phase Four.

Continue reading Geekville Radio #291: Loki & the Rest of Marvel Phase Four

Geekville Radio #290 Snake Eyes Review, Flash Season 7, Silverhawks, Netflix Video Games, MCU News

Geekville Radio #290

Seth flies solo to discuss a Silverhawks reboot, Netflix getting video games, and the MCU series yet to air in 2021. Plus he looks at The Flash Season Seven finale and gives a quick summary review of Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins.

Continue reading Geekville Radio #290 Snake Eyes Review, Flash Season 7, Silverhawks, Netflix Video Games, MCU News

Geekville Radio #289: Black Widow and the Return of the MCU, Loki Predictions

Seth and Train return to talk about the return of The MCU. They also discuss the passing of Hollywood legends Richard Donner and William Smith. Then they give their last-minute predictions for Loki and review the latest MCU movie Black Widow.

Continue reading Geekville Radio #289: Black Widow and the Return of the MCU, Loki Predictions

Geekville Radio #288: Loki and Black Widow Talk

Geekville Radio #288

Seth and Train sit down to talk about the first four episodes of Loki and what they think is in store for the final two episodes. In the second half, they go over some of Black Widow/Natasha Romanov’s history in prep for the highly anticipated Black Widow.

Continue reading Geekville Radio #288: Loki and Black Widow Talk