E3 News And Trailers

Geekville Radio #236: E3 News and Trailers

E3 is in full swing, and that means fun trailers and announcements for the world of gaming.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

Official Trailer
  • Forest Whitaker returns as Saw Gerrera
  • Are More A-Listers going to be in video games?
  • Is the “Droid Over The Shoulder” Gimmick a thing now?
  • The “Stop The Blaster Bolt” Gimmick looks to be the new norm

Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Jon Bernthal is rendered into the latest Ghost Recon

Cyberpunk 2077

Ted Theodore Logan has seen better days


Full trailer and presentation from Square Enix
  • There does seem to be some fan backlash over the look of the characters
  • The cast is a Who’s Who in the voice-over industry
  • Taskmaster appears to be the villain
  • Up to Four Players Online
  • DLC will be FREE

Ultimate Alliance 3

  • Nintendo Switch Exclusive
  • Multiplayer compatible
  • Co-Op attacks like the previous game

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga

Forza Horizon 4: Lego Speed Champions

Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines 2

Empire Of Sin

Looks like a mix of Strategy and Marvel Ultimate Alliance

Zombie Army 4 : Dead War

What’s Worse than Zombies? Nazis! What’s worse than Nazis? Zombie Nazis!

Contra: Rogue Corps

Spared no expense on the soundtrack

Contra: Anniversary Collection

Destiny 2

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

State Of Decay 2: Homeland

Additional DLC is helping keep games alive

Final Fantasy VII

Are remakes of old games the latest trend?

Destroy All Humans

Gotta love a game with Rammstein in it

Are there any game announcements that you liked? Any cool trailers? Sound off below!

Robert Pattinson Is The Batman

Geekville Radio #234

It’s been rumored for the last few weeks, but today it has been confirmed. Variety reports that Robert Pattinson, probably best known from the Twilight films, has been cast as Batman/Bruce Wayne for the oft delayed film The Batman.

Pattinson will take over the role from departing actor Ben Affleck, who himself faced backlash over being cast in Zack Snyder’s Batman v. Superman film.

Directed by Matt Reeves, The Batman is scheduled for a Summer 2021 release. It is rumored to be the first of a new trilogy of films based on DC Comics’ popular Dark Knight.

We spoke a bit about this casting in the final segment of our last podcast, Episode 234, linked above. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Post them below or on our Facebook and Twitter!

Geekville Radio #234

Last month Disney held an investor’s conference where they unveiled their highly anticipated streaming service, Disney+. The presentation answered a lot of questions about what is in store for subscribers this coming Fall.



  • Starting Price will be $6.99 per month and will be ad-free
  • Annual price of $69.99


  • $5.99 – Basic Plan will have ads
  • $11.99 – Ad-Free plan
  • $44.99 – Ad Free with Live TV

Hulu fans have been affectionately dubbed Hulugans


Between Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+, Disney will have three popular but very different streaming services that can be subscribed to individually or in a package.


  • All existing Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars films at launch
  • Falcon & Winter Soldier Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan confirmed to reprise their roles
  • WandaVison – Effectively Vision & The Scarlet Witch series
  • Loki – Tom Hiddleston will reprise as well
  • The Mandalorian – Created and written by Jon Favreau
  • Cassian Andor – Pre-Rogue One series
  • Obi-Wan – Rumored more heavily lately that it will be a a Disney+ series and not a movie.

Hulu has at least four Marvel animated series on the way.

  • Howard The Duck from Kevin Smith
  • Tigra & Dazzler from Chelsea Handler
  • MODOK from Patton Oswalt
  • Hit-Monkey from Josh Gordon and Will Speck


  • Disney+ will be more family friendly
  • Current and upcoming movies will be available immediately after their theatrical and home video runs.
  • Content will be available for download to watch offline

Deadpool to MCU?

Rumors are circulating that Deadpool will be one of the first Fox properties to be migrated to The MCU. There are three main possibilities.

  • Deadpool 3 – This would seem to be the most likely possibility.
  • Miniseries – Since Disney+ will be family friendly, the chances of “Hard R” content, such as the Deadpool movies, are pretty slim. However, Hulu has several TV-M series.
  • Spider-Man 3 – This might be the most entertaining option, even if the content is toned down for PG-13 content. While some fans question putting a mature audience in a PG-13 movie, there is precedent in the comics for this. Spider-Man and Deadpool already have an ongoing series.

Aladdin’s Opening Weekend

Disney’s latest live action adaption of an animated film opened to the tune of $122 million dollars. Compared to the previous Dumbo, it was more successful. The trend to adapt animated films to live-action will likely continue.

KOTOR Movie Rumors

Rumors about a reported Star Wars film based on Knights Of The Old Republic continue to circulate. However, we now have reports that Laeta Kalogridis (Avatar, Terminator: Genisys) will be writing the screenplay.

At this time, there is no confirmation of any connections to the trilogies from Rian Johnson or Game Of Thrones creators David Benoiff and Dan Weiss. The first Benoiff & Weiss film will be in December 2022

Robert Pattinson as Batman?

Variety reported first that Robert Pattinson may be in negotiations to don the cape as the next Batman, replacing Ben Affleck in the Matt Reeves film. Fans quickly started several online petitions against his casting.

Pattinson has been no stranger to genre roles. He was rumored to be one of the finalists to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, before the part was given to Andrew Garfield. He appeared alongside current Spider-Man Tom Holland and Emperor Palpatine himself Ian McDiarmid in The Lost City Of Z.

Currently, he has five films in production for release over the next year.

As we keep saying, actors act for directors, not necessarily for the audience. Similar reactions to Michael Keaton, Heath Ledger, and Ben Affleck have happened before, but their performances impressed audiences.

Looks like Bruce Wayne to me…

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Deadpool May Appear In Spider-Man 3, or Might Not

With the Disney/Fox merger complete, fans have been wondering how Fox-owned properties will be incorporated into The MCU. Especially now, in the wake of a Post-Snap Phase Four.

Of course, one of the hottest properties is the Merc With A Mouth, Deadpool.

It has been reported that Ryan Reynolds will keep his job portraying Deadpool/Wade Wilson. Given that Disney would almost assuredly alienate a fanbase if they recast the role, that news is most welcome.

According to MCU Cosmic, Disney is already exploring ways to bring the R-Rated cash cow into continuity. There are three main options:

  1. Deadpool 3
  2. A Series a la Disney+ or Hulu
  3. A co-starring role in Spider-Man 3

Let’s look at these options one at a time

Deadpool 3 – This would seem to be the most likely option. Deadpool already has two wildly successful movies under his belt. Why would they deviate from that platform? Disney owns 20th Century Fox, so can continue to distribute under that name if they choose. Failing that, it could simply be released under the Marvel banner.

Series – There are already several exciting titles that will be debuting on Disney+ when it rolls out in the Fall. At least two Star Wars titles, two Marvel series, and every episode of The Simpsons from their near 30 year run. A Deadpool mini-series certainly could fit in with that company.

Disney has already stated that the Disney+ service will be family friendly, so the chances of “Hard R” content, such as the Deadpool movies, are pretty slim.

The possible solution to this is simple. Disney now also controls Hulu, the second biggest streaming platform in the world. Several of Hulu’s original series (Catch-22, The Act, The Handmaid’s Tail, etc…) all sport a TV-MA rating. They even have an original movie called I’m Just F*cking With You. Deadpool would fit right in with that company.

Spider-Man 3 – This might be the most entertaining option, even if the content is toned down for PG-13 content. While some fans question putting a mature audience in a PG-13 movie, there is precedent in the comics for this. Spider-Man and Deadpool already have an ongoing series.

There is one more option though, albeit not nearly as probable as the previous three. Disney is considering doing a X-Force movie. In the comics, Deadpool is part of that group.

No matter what unfolds, it seems likely that we will be seeing Deadpool in the MCU sooner rather than later.

Avengers Endgame – About That Cap Ending…

Unless you’ve been living in The Negative Zone for the last few weeks, you’ve heard dozens of fan theories regarding how Avengers: Endgame concluded the way it did, with some major players seemingly written out of The MCU. One of the most popular theories regards the fate of Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.

In the film’s epilogue, Cap sets out to return all the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir (Thor’s famous hammer) to their proper places in the timeline. However, when he’s done, Cap doesn’t return home like originally planned. He decides to return to post-WWII New York and spend the rest of his life with his first love, Peggy Carter.

We learned in Captain America: Winter Soldier that Peggy Carter did marry and have children after WWII. She said that Cap saved her future husband during the events of the first film, but her husband was never named nor shown.

So that begs the question: Who was Mr. Peggy Carter after all?

In the short lived Agent Carter TV series, Peggy did have a romantic relationship with agent Daniel Sousa. Some have speculated that Sousa was the man in question, given Peggy had finally accepted the loss of Steve when she threw away his blood sample that could have been used to make more super soldiers.

What many fans have proposed is that Peggy’s future husband was none other than Steve Rogers himself! After accomplishing his tasks and returning home, Steve Rogers simply lived a sheltered life, while his wife went on to become a founding member of SHIELD. After all, he knows the world is in good hands for the next 80 years. Plus, it puts closure on Cap’s story for the past decade.

Fortunately, Avengers: Endgame writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have stepped up to give fans the real story when asked by The Hollywood Reporter and their readers.

It was always our intention that he was the father of those two children. But again, there are time travel loopholes for that

-Stephen McFeely via Hollywood Reporter

That does seem to confirm the theory of Peggy and Steve getting their happy ending.

The Russo Brothers, who co-directed Infinity War and Endgame, have a different answer.

“They exist in a different timeline.”

Anthony Russo via Hollywood Reporter

So which is it? Could there be such a creative difference between story writers and storytellers? Did Steve Rogers live out the rest of his life with Peggy? Or could this just be fanning the fanboy flames to keep discussion going about whether Back To The Future was right or not?

Holy Sparkling Vampires, Batman! Robert Pattinson As The Caped Crusader?

A major development piece of Matt Reeves’ Batman film may finally be put in place. Robert Pattinson, best known as Edward Cullen in the Twilight films, may be the latest actor to portray Batman. Variety reports the actor is expected to be cast in The Batman, the long delayed standalone Batman movie rumored since Ben Affleck was first put in the cowl.

Of course, such a move has not come without controversy. Multiple petitions have already arisen, demanding that Pattinson not be given the coveted role.

Since Twilight wrapped up in 2012, Pattinson has been no stranger to genre roles. He was rumored to be one of the finalists to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, before the part was given to Andrew Garfield. He appeared alongside current Spider-Man Tom Holland and Emperor Palpatine himself Ian McDiarmid in The Lost City Of Z.

Currently, he has five films in production for release over the next year. The Batman is set to hit theaters on June 25th, 2021.

Examining The Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer

Geekville Radio #233: Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer

Sony released a second trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, which gives a little more of the story. That means it’s time to examine every frame of it so we can lay out what everything means and then get mad if it turns out to be something different.

So queue up the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer and follow along!

From Bubble Boy to Supervillain. Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio
Is this a rib on Holland given his alleged history of leaking spoilers?
A very sad looking Peter
A tribute to Iron Man, presumably in the same scene
Looks like Happy Hogan is now Peter’s father figure
I’m not crying, you’re crying
Spidey busting some well armed criminals
The Iron Spider costume makes another appearance
Spidey evading gunfire
The classic costume is back!
“You don’t ghost Nick Fury!” Plus, an added Absorbing Man reference
So did MJ get snapped?
Ned can’t catch a break sometimes. By the way, in the comics Ned Leeds is Hobgoblin
Nick Fury returns
Spidey en route to a secret lair
Fury and Hill already know Mysterio
Earth Elemental? Or Absorbing Man?
Will Maria Hill be around more often?
Water Elemental? Or Hydro Man?
Stealth Suit Spider-Man?
Since he can’t use F-Bombs, will “Bitch, please!” be Fury’s catchphrase?
Fire Elemental? Or Molten Man?
Mysterio flying and fighting
Looks like Mysterio is packing a huge punch, assuming it’s not a trick.
Peter and Mysterio having a serious talk
Sooo, if it’s obvious that Peter is Spider-Man, why is MJ the only one that figured it out?
Perhaps the Elementals are combining?
At last, THE FISHBOWL Helmet!
Look! Up in the sky! …Oops! Wrong franchise…
Paging Captain Planet!
Somebody’s bound to make a “London Bridge” joke
Perhaps foreshadowing Mysterio’s villainous ways?
Where’s the fishbowl?
Tony’s Nanotech Glasses?
A city decimated
Is this before, after or during the destruction in the previous pic?
More Stark Tech for Spidey?
Fury giving a stern talking to the “Black Ops” Spidey
Iron Man Memorial
Fire Elemental? Or Holocaust?
Combat Suit Spidey swinging to safety
It’s just not a Marvel film without some well placed comedy

Did we miss anything? Any other ideas? What did you think of this trailer?


This Will Be A Day Long Remembered

Geekville Radio #232: Star Wars Day, Free Comic Book Day, RIP Peter Mayhew

May The Fourth Be With You

It’s May 4th, aka May The Fourth: Star Wars Day. For anybody new to the concept, that means it’s the Unofficial Star Wars Day. Unless you’re in California, where it became a recognized Star Wars Day.

RIP Peter Mayhew (1922-2019)

We can’t mention Star Wars Day without mentioning the sad news of Peter Mayhew’s passing. He of course portrayed Chewbacca in five Star Wars films, and in numerous TV appearances.

According to his IMDB page, he has almost a dozen credits as Chewbacca. If there was Chewbacca appearing in any sort of Star Wars event, chances are it was really Peter in the costume. If not, Peter would often be consulted on how Chewie should be portrayed.

He worked with the fan community up to the very end. He was originally set to appear this weekend at the Dallas Fan Expo. His booth had already been built. Rather than take the booth down, it was changed into a memorial where fans could sign a guest book to give their condolences. One of those “Faith in Humanity Restored” stories.

Lastly, here is the simple but entertaining story of Peter meeting George Lucas for the first time about Star Wars.

Peter Mayhew talks about meeting George Lucas for the first time

Knights Of The Old Republic Movie

Back during Star Wars Celebration, Kathleen Kennedy seemed to confirm that a Knights of The Old Republic movie was in development.

Kathleen Kennedy apparently confirming development on a KOTR feature film

Very little is known about what a Knights Of The Old Republic film would be about, or who is involved. Kennedy herself said she didn’t know what’s in store. Rian Johnson has publicly stated that he is not doing a KOTOR trilogy. It is well known that Game of Thrones creators David Benoiff and D.B. Weiss are developing their own trilogy as well. The presumably mystical setting for a KOTOR film (or trilogy) would seem to be a good fit.

Even George Lucas himself had entertained the idea of a movie about The Old Republic. Specifically, the defeat of The Sith, and how Yoda was instrumental in that role.

Free Comic Book Day

Not only was it Star Wars Day, but it was also Free Comic Book Day.

The complete list of comics that were released is at the official FCBD website.

I can only review two releases, since I could only get two of the titles I was hoping for.

Star Wars Adventures: Droid Hunters – Written by Cavan Scott with art by Derek Charm, Droid Hunters stars Han Solo and Chewbacca and a quest for treasure. The story definitely has that “Saturday Morning Cartoon” vibe to it, and I mean that as a compliment. It’s clearly geared for kids. Nobody dies, and nobody is terribly ruthless. Sure, there’s a double-cross that is fairly obvious, but it’s still enjoyable.

Spider-Man – This one had two stories. The first is by the Venom team of Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman. Eddie Brock is now Carnage, not Venom. Cletus Kasady is not only back, but he has the original Knull symbiote.

The other story is more of a standalone comedy by Saladin Ahmed and Tom Taylor, with art by Corey Smith and Jay Lester. Peter and Miles compare pizza and then take down Shocker… who also has opinions on pizza.

War Of The Realms

Finally, here is the update on War Of The Realms. A SPOILER ALERT has been pressed

The heroes are organizing Strike Force teams to retaliate against Malekith and his armies. There are currently at least two Strike Force.

Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Wolverine travel to Jotunheim, where they find a LOT of dead Frost Giants, and a certain one-armed Thunder God. It’s worth mentioning that Spidey, Cage, and Danny are all apparently worthy of wielding Asgard weaponry.

Another team, led by Freya herself, consists of Punisher, Ghost Rider, She-Hulk, and Blade. One of these things just doesn’t belong here. But they will be going to Svartalfheim, the home of the dark elves.

Note: When getting these comics, I didn’t see the upcoming War Avengers Strike Force team of Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Captain Britain, Weapon H, Winter Soldier, Venom, and Sif. So I didn’t touch on them during recording.

That’s it for War Of The Realms news. Is there anything I missed?

Jennifer Morrison to voice Catwoman

She first gained national prominence in the FOX drama House as Dr. Cameron. She played The Chosen One, and The Dark One, Emma Swan in ABC’s Once Upon A Time. She’s even been Captain Kirk’s mother in 2009’s Star Trek reboot.

This summer, Jennifer Morrison will add another geek-cred role to her resume. She will provide the voice of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, in the upcoming animated adaption of the famous Batman story Hush.

Based on the year-long comic story of the same name, Hush will also feature Jason O’Mara (Agents Of SHIELD) as Batman, Rainn Wilson (The Office) as Lex Luthor, and real life husband and wife Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijn as Superman and Lois Lane respectively.

Hush was notable for being a fan favorite story written by Smallville co-creator Jeph Loeb, and drawn by comics legend Jim Lee. In it, the mysterious villain Hush sets into motion several actions to sabotage and destroy Batman from afar. It also featured the first “In Continuity” fight between Batman and Superman.

No exact date has been officially released, but previews have been leaked to the internet. Check one out below.


Batman: Hush will be produced by Warner Bros. animation, and will have a PG-13 rating.

Ghost Rider Series Headed to Hulu

One thing Agents Of SHIELD fans liked about the show’s fourth season was the introduction of the Robbie Reyes incarnation of Ghost Rider. Affectionately called “Ghost Driver” by some, this version used a black 1969 Dodge Charger rather than the more common motorcycle.

Gabriel Luna portrayed the character through the 2016-2017 season, which also dropped hints at a previous Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch appearance.

Variety reports that Luna will reprise the role for a spinoff series on Hulu. However, sources say this will be a “new iteration”, without any connection to Agents Of SHIELD. That would seem to imply a different character. Or it could simply mean a reset without a recast, similar to the Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance feature film.

Also recently announced for Hulu have been series for Howard The Duck, Dazzler, and MODOK. With Disney’s recent acquisition of 20th Century Fox, they now own a stake in Hulu. Disney is also of course starting their own Netflix-like streaming service in Fall 2019.