Geekville Radio #266

Geekville Radio #266

This episode of Geekville Radio deals almost entirely with DC’s virtual convention DC Fandome.

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Geekville Radio #262

Geekville Radio #262

NOTE: This episode was recorded on June 28th

Seth and Train return in a heavily Batman-themed episode talking Michael Keaton’s potential return to the cowl, and the life and times of Joel Schumacher. But first, news about Cobra-Kai moving to Netflix.

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Back To The Future Voice Swap Sounds Surreal

Deepfake face changing may be the rage in modern mash-ups, but what about voice mash-ups? Voice actor James Arnold Taylor is up for the task. Hear (and see) what happens to Back to the Future when Marty has Doc’s voice and Doc has Marty’s.

Back to the Future opened in theaters exactly 35 years ago the day on this post. It is credited by many to be what established Fox and Lloyd as A-List actors.

More of James Arnold Taylor’s work can be found on his YouTube page.