Geekville Radio #298

Seth and Train return with news on DC TV, Shang-Chi 2, Book of Boba Fett, and final predictions for the Hawkeye season finale

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Geekville Radio #296: Who are The Eternals anyway?

Seth flies solo to talk about The Book of Boba Fett trailer and The Eternals in Marvel comics.

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31 Horror Trailers for Halloween 2021

It is time for Examining The Dead’s “31 Lesser-Known Horror Films”! This is our 3rd annual undertaking of this event. Simple rules. Every day in October we will post the trailer to a lesser-known or underappreciated horror film. This should give even the most devout horror mavens something to think about for their Halloween viewing this year.

Continue reading 31 Horror Trailers for Halloween 2021

Geekville Radio #294

Geekville Radio #294
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Geekville Radio #289: Black Widow and the Return of the MCU, Loki Predictions

Seth and Train return to talk about the return of The MCU. They also discuss the passing of Hollywood legends Richard Donner and William Smith. Then they give their last-minute predictions for Loki and review the latest MCU movie Black Widow.

Continue reading Geekville Radio #289: Black Widow and the Return of the MCU, Loki Predictions