Oh how the mighty have fallen. One of the greatest Intellectual Properties of all time has now been reduced to TV-Movie level. And judging by Section 31, there doesn’t seem to be much hope that it’ll get much better.
But wait there’s MORE about Superman. Seth lays out his view on the whole Superman costume controversy. Plus, the obligatory review of Skeleton Crew Episode 5.
Seth (AKA Zandrax) and guest David McKinney (Armadillo Daveof South Atlanta Wrestling) discuss the highly anticipated new Superman trailer. They reflect on how the trailer captures Superman’s hopeful and positive essence, as opposed to darker interpretations. The discussion includes speculation about potential plot elements, such as Brainiac’s involvement and the appearance of the Justice Society of America (JSA). They touch upon James Gunn’s direction for the film, including Crypto, and the importance of Superman’s hopeful character.
The Superman trailer has taken the world by storm. It’s already the most-viewed trailer in DC Comics movie history, which is saying something since it’s only been out for two days.
Naturally, we here at Geekville Radio will do what every other superhero nerd does when a trailer comes out: Overanalyze every frame and present wild speculation as absolute fact!