A perfect jumping on point for anybody looking to dive into Classic Doctor Who. Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor was introduced in 1970 with an all new cast and new companion. Hear insight into why this change was made, and jokes along the way that most Whovians will love.
Part Four of the Tom Baker classic Pyramids Of Mars, the final confrontation between The Doctor and Sutekh. Exclusive commentary with insight you won’t get anywhere else.
Part Three of the Tom Baker classic Pyramids Of Mars, which has Sutekh’s reveal, and Sarah Jane brandishing a sharpshooting rifle. Exclusive commentary with insight you won’t get anywhere else.
Part two of one of the all time classic Doctor Who stories is examined. Mark and Seth dive into Pyramids Of Mars starring Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor. Hear Mark’s exclusive insight into production, props, and history of this fan favorite story. You won’t hear stuff like this in any other Doctor Who podcast!
Examining The Doctor #19: Pyramids Of Mars Part One
One of the all time classic Doctor Who stories is examined. Mark and Seth dive into Pyramids Of Mars starring Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor. Hear Mark’s exclusive insight into production, props, and history of this fan favorite story. You won’t hear stuff like this in any other Doctor Who podcast!
Examining The Doctor #18: The Witch’s Familiar Examined
Part two of the Series 9 Premiere. This week’s Examining The Doctor looks at The Witch’s Familiar. Like last week the regular crew pokes fun at what is bad, but praises what is good. Something for the old school and new school fan to enjoy. Even if it needs to be taken with a sense of humor.
Examining The Doctor returns to commentary episodes with a look at the Series 9 premiere “The Magician’s Apprentice”. Peter Capaldi’s second season certainly kicked off with some memorable moments. Seth, Mark, and Uncle Greg hop into their TARDIS to provide commentary on the episode. A little history, a little discussion, and more than a few jokes. This commentary track will hopefully both entertain and educate fans of Classic Who and Current Who alike.
It’s like Mystery Science Theater meets DVD commentary tracks.
If you don’t have the episode on your DVR or can’t get it On Demand, you can get it right here from Amazon! It’s also available on iTunes.
In other Who news, the crew talks about the announced departure of Stephen Moffat, and the removal of Doctor Who from popular streaming services.
It’s a new era for Examining The Doctor. The format of the show has officially shifted from examining all of The Doctor’s incarnations to examining stories. Each new episode will look at a classic or modern Who story, and will provide a commentary track to be played during the episodes. History, insight, and jokes aplenty to be found. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who and movie riffings a la Mystery Science Theater or Riffrax, you’ll love this new format. The first story to be examined is the 1983 classic The Five Doctors, which aired for the show’s 20th Anniversary.
With Christopher Eccleston’s abrupt exit after only one season, The BBC turned to Scottish actor David Tennant. Arguably the most popular of the modern Doctors, Tennant helped bring the franchise to even greater prominance… albeit with being labelled a fangirl favorite. We look at Tennant’s four years in the role, and highlight some of our favourite stories, moments, and mannerisms.
2005 saw the long awaited return to the airwaves of Doctor Who. With a new series came a new Doctor in Christopher Eccleston. We talk Eccleston’s run, commenting on every single story and episode. Eccleston’s time in the role may have been short, but as we point out, he should be recognized for his contribution to the Whoniverse