Joss Whedon is in negotiations to write and direct a Batgirl Movie. We have the first image of Black Lightning, soon to be jolting the airwaves of The CW. Jeffrey Dean Morgan has joined the cast of Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s Rampage move, based on the classic Midway arcade game. In TV Review news, Legends Of Tomorrow has wrapped up its seconds season, while Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD has returned after a month long absense. What is the big news coming out of each show?
The epic 10th Anniversary Doctor Who story The Three Doctors reaches its conclusion. Join Mark and Seth as they give their signature blend of knowledge and humor in this commentary track to one of the most essential Doctor Who stories of all time.
Need the episodes? They are available for instant streaming via Amazon Video, or the DVD can be purchased via our affiliate Amazon Link
Part Four of The Three Doctors is examined. The first ever Multi-Doctor story bought together William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and then current Doctor Jon Pertwee. This is the epic conclusion to the story, which returns the franchise to its time traveling roots.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Sony unveiled the second Spider-Man trailer. This new trailer gives us more of a look at the plot, plus a peek at the role Tony Stark plays in Spidey’s life. Not only that wee see more of Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture.
Not to be outdone, Warner Bros released the newest Justice League trailers which gives us Aquaman, Parademons, and Commissioner Gordon
“The analytics firm calculates the series earned 63.2 million ‘demand expressions’ in its first three days – that’s less than the 69 million of “Luke Cage” but ahead of both “Jessica Jones” (51m) and “Daredevil” (23m).”
“Iger revealed that the film, “picks up with Han Solo when he was 18 years old and takes him through when he was 24. There are a few significant things that happen in Han Solo’s life, like acquiring a certain vehicle and meeting a certain Wookiee that will happen in this film. But you will also discover how he got his name.””
Over in the Arrowverse, Season 5 villain Vigilante’s alter ego is somebody we already know. However, we may not find out who he (she?) is until Season 6.
We know who it is, but we were kind of intrigued by the idea of having a mystery that led into the next season,” Guggenheim told us at Paleyfest 2017. “We were excited at the prospect of just letting this play out for a little while longer, and it gives us something cool to do in Season 6.”
The second half of the show, Seth and Crazy Train talk more major plot reveals in the Arrowverse TV Shows, including the highly anticipated Supergirl/Flash Musical, the return of Captain Cold to Legends Of Tommorow, and Prometheus’s effect on Ollie’s psyche.
The Arrowverse talk does not end there, as Seth talks the Heroes & Villains FanFest, which had appearances by Stephen Amell, John Barrowman, David Ramsey, Charlotte Ross, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, Echo Kellum, Katrina Law, Robbie Amell, Caty Lotz, Brandon Routh, and Neal McDounough. If you’re a fan of any Arrow show, this is the stuff for you!
On top of that, there was an Agents Of SHIELD panel with Chloe Bennett and Brett Dalton.
Not to be outdone, Train discusses attending the South Carolina Comic-Con and the guests that were there.
All this and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!
Another HUGE jam packed show with news on the brand new Spider-Man and Justice League Trailers, Iron Fist, and the Han Solo movie. Plus talk about the identity of Vigilante in Arrow,and the major stories in the Arrowverse. In the second half of the show, Train talks about South Carolina Comic-Con and Seth talks the Heroes and Villains Fanfest in Chicago. Hear what happened in the panels involving casts of the Arrowverse and Agents Of SHIELD.
Geekville Radio examines Part Three of the epic Multi-Doctor story The Three Doctors, starring Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton, and William Hartnell as the original three Doctors. The episode is also significant for being the official introduction to Omega, the crazed villain of the story.
Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to this classic installment of Doctor Who!
Need the episodes? They are available for instant streaming via Amazon Video, or the DVD can be purchased via our affiliate Amazon Link
Part Three of The Three Doctors is examined. The first ever Multi-Doctor story bought together William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and then current Doctor Jon Pertwee. This episode introduces the villain Omega to the Doctor Who mythos. Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to this essential Doctor Who story.
The middle of the show is a review of Kong: Skull Island. While the review is lengthy, it is very light on spoilers. So if you’re still on the fence about seeing the movie, you can listen without too much getting revealed.
Next up is a very thorough and spoiler-filled review of Iron Fist. Does it hold up to the rest of the Marvel Netflix series? And what’s all the hubbub about anyway? The critically panned show still scored well with viewers.
The final segment of the show is dedicated to remembering the late great Chuck Berry, who passed away this week at the age of 90.
It’s a Mega-Sized Show this week! Iron Fist hit Netflix this past weekend, did it live up to the hype? Seth and Train give a very in-depth (SPOILERS) review of the entire season in the latter half of the show. On top of that, they review Kong Skull Island in the second segment. The show kicks off with talk about the Batman movie production getting delayed until 2018. And the final segment of the show pays tribute to the late great Chuck Berry.