Power Of The Daleks Part Three Examined

Part Three of The Power Of The Daleks. Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to the recently released animated adaption. Only broadcast once in 1966, this adaption is the closest we may ever get to seeing the long lost classic starring Patrick Troughton, Michael Craze, and Anneke Wills.

Carrie Fisher Tribute

It’s with a heavy heart that we start the first show of 2017, as we pay tribute to the late great Carrie Fisher, who passed away last week. Seth, Crazy Train, and Clint from GeekDig share thair Star Wars and non-Star Wars memories about Carrie, and discus her book and scripting career, as well as her distinctive sens of humor.

Power Of The Daleks Part Two Examined

Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to the recently released animated adaption The Power Of The Daleks. Only broadcast once in 1966, this adaption is the closest we may ever get to seeing the long lost classic starring Patrick Troughton, Michael Craze, and Anneke Wills.

Power Of The Daleks Part One Examined

The newly released animated adaption of 1966’s Power Of The Daleks has been released! Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blen of knowledge and humor to a long lost Doctor Who story that was only broadcast once. Now it has been adapted to animated for a whole new generation to enjoy. It also happens to be Patrick Troughton’s first outing as The Second Doctor, picking up the mantle from William Hartnell.

AMAZING! You Now Can Buy An Iron Man Suit. But There Is One Catch…

The Toys Asia have built a life-size powered Iron Man statue with 567 moving parts and 46 motors. The suit opens up much like Tony Stark’s prize armor for the Marvel films. A full transformation takes approximately 28 seconds.

Too good to be true? Well, in short, yes. The downside is you won’t be able to actually wear the suit, but boy it looks cool!

Oh, and buying one of these bad boys will only set you back approximately $360,000… Get in line now.

Rogue One Review

It’s the final all-new Geekville Radio for 2016, and it’s an all-star doozy in a thorough review of Rogue One. Seth and Crazy Train are joined by Ken Rose from Geek Watch One, and Clint from GeekDig to talk all things Rogue One, and how it lines up with the rest of the Star Wars Universe.

Arrowverse Finales, Marvel Movie Trailers, Rogue One

The CW DC Arrowverse have all had their Mid-Season Finales. How did Flash, Arrow, and Legends Of Tomorrow wind up their half seasons? Plus trailers for Guardians Of The galaxy Vol. 2 and Spider-Man Homecoming have hit. What are Seth and Train looking most forward to? In the final segment, it’s all things Rogue One.

Arrowverse Finales, Marvel Movie Trailers, Rogue One

The CW DC Arrowverse have all had their Mid-Season Finales. How did Flash, Arrow, and Legends Of Tomorrow wind up their half seasons? Plus trailers for Guardians Of The galaxy Vol. 2 and Spider-Man Homecoming have hit. What are Seth and Train looking most forward to? In the final segment, it’s all things Rogue One.

Curse Of Fenric Part Four Examined

The penultimate Classic Doctor Who story comes to a close with Part Four of The Curse Of Fenric. Ace’s coming of age story is told alongside an invasion by mutant vampires. Join Seth and Mark as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor in their commentary for the final episode of Doctor Who And The Curse Of Fenric!

Geekville Podcast Episode 153

Image Credit: The CW
Image Credit: The CW

CW’s much anticipated four-way crossover event “Invasion” has finally happened. To tackle reviewing such a mega-event, Geekville Radio has enlisted the help of Ken Rose from Geek Watch One to join Seth and Train. Yes, a review of a crossover is also a crossover.

How well did the “Flarrowverse” creators pull off such an unprecedented event? And how closely did it follow the comic storyline it was inspired by? Seth, Train, and Ken tackle all those questions and more.

If you’re a fan of any of the DC CW shows, this show is a must listen!