SHIELD Of Tomorrow

Agents Of SHIELD had their third season finale, and delivered on their promise of killing off a regular. Who bit the big one? And what can we expect for Season 4? Is there really a new Director? In other Marvel news, Chloe Bennet gave her thoughts on the lack of interest in AoS from Marvel. Also, Marvel has announced Thor Ragnarok’s star studded cast. In DC News, Legends Of Tomorrow had their season finale, with a namedrop of a major superteam. What can we hope to see in Season 2? Plus thoughts on Supergirl Season 2, the Star Trek Beyond trailer and the Assassin’s Creed trailer.

SHIELD Of Tomorrow

Agents Of SHIELD had their third season finale, and delivered on their promise of killing off a regular. Who bit the big one? And what can we expect for Season 4? Is there really a new Director? In other Marvel news, Chloe Bennet gave her thoughts on the lack of interest in AoS from Marvel. Also, Marvel has announced Thor Ragnarok’s star studded cast. In DC News, Legends Of Tomorrow had their season finale, with a namedrop of a major superteam. What can we hope to see in Season 2? Plus thoughts on Supergirl Season 2, the Star Trek Beyond trailer and the Assassin’s Creed trailer.

Black Panther, MCU and Arrowverse News

Two high profile names are reportedly attached to the Black Panther movie. Seth and Train discuss Michal B Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o’s rumored casting, and the ambition of a Black Panther Movie. In other MCU news, Agents Of SHIELD had their tie in with Captain America Civil War, and a tease that a major cast member is biting the dust next week. Who could it be? Supergirl is flying to CW, is this a good or bad thing? Plus the other Arrowverse shows are winding down, including Legends Of Tomorrow who allegedly killed off another character. How will they wrap everything up?

Black Panther, MCU and Arrowverse News

Two high profile names are reportedly attached to the Black Panther movie. Seth and Train discuss Michal B Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o’s rumored casting, and the ambition of a Black Panther Movie. In other MCU news, Agents Of SHIELD had their tie in with Captain America Civil War, and a tease that a major cast member is biting the dust next week. Who could it be? Supergirl is flying to CW, is this a good or bad thing? Plus the other Arrowverse shows are winding down, including Legends Of Tomorrow who allegedly killed off another character. How will they wrap everything up?

The Ark In Space Part Two Examined

Part Two of the epic Season 12 story The Ark In Space starring Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor. The Wirrn begin infecting the space station as The Doctor begins to formulate his plan. Join Mark and Seth as they provide insight and a few jokes into one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time.

Captain America Civil War Review

A complete and thorough review (that means SPOILERS) of Captain America Civil War. That is reserved for teh latter half of the show to make avoiding said spoilers easier. In other news, it was Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, Star Wars has their Young Han Solo, and Avengers Infinity War movies are getting new names.

Captain America Civil War Review

A complete and thorough review (that means SPOILERS) of Captain America Civil War. That is reserved for teh latter half of the show to make avoiding said spoilers easier. In other news, it was Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, Star Wars has their Young Han Solo, and Avengers Infinity War movies are getting new names.

The Ark In Space Part One Examined

This week, Examining The Doctor looks at The Ark In Space, starring Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor. Relive The Wirrn, the recurring corridors, and of course GREEN BUBBLE WRAP! Also hear why this is one of the all time great stories, not just in Doctor Who but science fiction in general.

Prepare For War

Netflix has officially ordered a Punisher TV Series, who could be a villain for Frank Castle. In other news, 20th Century Fox has released the final trailer for X-Men Apocalypse. In other news, Civil War is around the corner, and the DC TV universe is beginning the wind up its season.

Prepare For War

Netflix has officially ordered a Punisher TV Series, who could be a villain for Frank Castle. In other news, 20th Century Fox has released the final trailer for X-Men Apocalypse. In other news, Civil War is around the corner, and the DC TV universe is beginning the wind up its season.