Daredevil Season 2 Review

A spoiler filled review of Daredevil Season Two. From Punisher to Elektra to the flow of the story, Season Two is full of excitement and references to this new Netflix Universe. Join Seth and guest RealMarchHare as they go over all things Daredevil Season Two, Spoilers Ahoy…

Daredevil Season 2 Review

A spoiler filled review of Daredevil Season Two. From Punisher to Elektra to the flow of the story, Season Two is full of excitement and references to this new Netflix Universe. Join Seth and guest RealMarchHare as they go over all things Daredevil Season Two, Spoilers Ahoy…

Spearhead From Space Part One Examined

A perfect jumping on point for anybody looking to dive into Classic Doctor Who. Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor was introduced in 1970 with an all new cast and new companion. Hear insight into why this change was made, and jokes along the way that most Whovians will love.

Pyramids Of Mars Part Four Examined

Part Four of the Tom Baker classic Pyramids Of Mars, the final confrontation between The Doctor and Sutekh. Exclusive commentary with insight you won’t get anywhere else.

C2E2 Coverage

Seth attended all three days of C2E2 and is joined by train to cover the big news coming out of C2E2 panels. Supergirl, Marvel Civil War II, Robotech, and Chloe Bennett panels are all discussed in detail. If you missed C2E2, Geekville provides the much needed news from a first person standpoint.

C2E2 Coverage

Seth attended all three days of C2E2 and is joined by train to cover the big news coming out of C2E2 panels. Supergirl, Marvel Civil War II, Robotech, and Chloe Bennett panels are all discussed in detail. If you missed C2E2, Geekville provides the much needed news from a first person standpoint.

The Films Of George Romero

Examining The Dead looks at the amazing career of George Romero. From Night Of The Living Dead through modern Horror and Zombie projects. Plus his little seen pro wrestling documentary “Strongman”. On top of that Crazy Train and Uncle Greg get you caught up to speed on The Walking Dead and iZombie.

Martian Cowboy Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Pyramids Of Mars Part Three Examined

Part Three of the Tom Baker classic Pyramids Of Mars, which has Sutekh’s reveal, and Sarah Jane brandishing a sharpshooting rifle. Exclusive commentary with insight you won’t get anywhere else.