DC and Warner Bros released the final trailer to Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Crazy Train joins Seth to discuss the flow of the trailer, and how this should erase the Affleck doubt for Batman. Plus the depiction of Superman, Lex, and Wonder Woman. In the second half of the show, the format shifts to classic B-Movie action/Sci-Fi Fantasy, because what says Valentine’s Day better than B-Movie Schlock?
Examining The Doctor returns to commentary episodes with a look at the Series 9 premiere “The Magician’s Apprentice”. Peter Capaldi’s second season certainly kicked off with some memorable moments. Seth, Mark, and Uncle Greg hop into their TARDIS to provide commentary on the episode. A little history, a little discussion, and more than a few jokes. This commentary track will hopefully both entertain and educate fans of Classic Who and Current Who alike.
It’s like Mystery Science Theater meets DVD commentary tracks.
If you don’t have the episode on your DVR or can’t get it On Demand, you can get it right here from Amazon! It’s also available on iTunes.
In other Who news, the crew talks about the announced departure of Stephen Moffat, and the removal of Doctor Who from popular streaming services.
The second half of the 2015-2016 season is upon us with the returns of Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, and the debut of Legends Of Tomorrow. Crazy Train joins Seth to talk the first week of these shows. On top of that, Train talks X-Files, Agent Carter, and Lucha Underground.
The second half of the 2015-2016 season is upon us with the returns of Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, and the debut of Legends Of Tomorrow. Crazy Train joins Seth to talk the first week of these shows. On top of that, Train talks X-Files, Agent Carter, and Lucha Underground.
Lemmy, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glenn Frey, and more are honored in this week’s show. So many talented musicians and actors have lest us over the past few weeks, and Crazy Train and Will stop by The Geekville Studios to pay their respects. This is a very different but very eclectic show, and something to like if you’re a fan of any of these artists.
Our first episode of 2016 is also the first episode to return to a Doctor. On this episode of Examining The Doctor, Mark and Seth examine the recently completed Series 9, which started with The Magician’s Apprentice and ran through Christmas’s The Husbands Of River Song. The Goog, The Bad, and The Silly are all examined for each story. Plus a special look at the recent announcements by Moffat, and the end of Clara.
A ton of great geek movies set for release in 2016. This second installment examines all the releases for the latter half of the year, from Tarzan through Star Wars Rogue One and many points in between.
A ton of great geek movies set for release in 2016. This second installment examines all the releases for the latter half of the year, from Tarzan through Star Wars Rogue One and many points in between.
A ton of great geek movies set for release in 2016. This first installment examines all the releases for the first half of the year, from Sherlock through X-Men Apocalypse and many points in between.
A ton of great geek movies set for release in 2016. This first installment examines all the releases for the first half of the year, from Sherlock through X-Men Apocalypse and many points in between.