Fanfilms often can be a mixed bag. Even the best ones can look second-rate compared to real movies and episodes After all, they’re made by fans for fans and not by a professional studio, and monetizing one without permission is a quick way to get sued out of oblivion. However, every so often, a fanfilm is made with ideas so entertaining they overcome its weak points.
Crisis on Infinite Excaliburs is just such a fanfilm.
Category: Star Trek
The Star Trek franchise and its respective properties
Mark Hamill vs. Patrick Stewart in epic Uber Eats commercials
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart are both iconic actors in their respective franchises, Star Wars and Star Trek. But the two never crossed paths onscreen…
…Until now
Uber Eats produced this commercial that had a baseball bat-wielding Hamill confront a cricket-bat wielding Stewart. The two then seem to confusingly end their feud when the food arrives.
Other shorter commercials see the two legends battle each other in Air-Hockey and Connect Four.
Space Command pilot episode stars several Star Trek and Babylon 5 alumni.
The full pilot episode for the sci-fi series Space Command was posted on YouTube last week. The series, which is created and directed by veteran sci-fi TV writer Marc Scott Zicree, features a cast from several past sci-fi series such as Star Trek and Babylon 5.
Continue reading Space Command pilot episode stars several Star Trek and Babylon 5 alumni.CBS Releases Star Trek: Picard Premiere On YouTube
CBS has released the premiere episode of the highly anticipated series Star Trek: Picard for free on YouTube. The episode will only be available for a limited time, so watch it soon if you do not have their streaming service.
Continue reading CBS Releases Star Trek: Picard Premiere On YouTubeGeekville Radio #241: San Diego Comic-Con News
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In our previous episode, we discussed the revelations for Marvel’s Phase Four of
Each trailer is listed below with the appropriate timestamp in the show discussion.
(3:45) Arrowverse and Crisis On Infinite Earths
- The sizzle real for Arrow mainly consisted of scenes from the previous seasons along with new footage of Tommy Merlyn and Adrian Chase. Could this be an Adrian Chase/Vigilante from another Earth?
- The creators confirmed that an adult JJ Diggle will appear in the flash-forward scenes.
- The main villain for Season 6 of The Flash will be Ramsey Rosso, aka Bloodwork
- Crisis On Infinite Earths will feature Brandon Routh back as Superman as well as Burt Ward reprising the role of Dick Grayson/Robin from the classic Batman TV series
- Routh looks to be playing the Kingdom Come incarnation of Superman
- Could we be getting a proper on-screen farewell to Christopher Reeve’s Superman?
- Tom Cavanagh’s Harrison Wells will be Pariah in Crisis
- La Monica Garrett will be doing double duty as Monitor and Anti-Monitor
- Will we be seeing major players killed off?

(25:15) Marvel’s “What If…?”

- Animated series will air on Disney+
- Stories from The Infinity Saga will be used
- Many of The MCU actors will supply the voices
- The first episode will depict Peggy Carter as Captain America
(29:30) The Witcher
- This is the project that prevented Henry Cavill from a cameo in Shazam
(33:15) Watchmen HBO Series
- It is not another adaption of the movie or classic comic
- It will be an original story set in the same world
(39:20) Top Gun: Maverick
- The trailer was a surprise presentation
- Tom Cruise’s Maverick will be the main character, not a cameo
- It may be a biography or life story of Maverick
(43:20) Terminator: Dark Fate
- James Cameron is involved again
- It looks like it ignores all other movies except the first two
- It may be right before the rise of Skynet
(47:45) Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance
- Much of the series will utilize puppetry instead of CGI
(50:30) Jay And Silent Bob Reboot
- A sequel to Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
- Looks to lampoon the constant reboots in Hollywood
- Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Jason Lee and a lot of the other regulars
(55:30) Star Trek: Picard
- Unlike Discovery, this looks like it is almost universally praised
- Depicts Picard as he was in the final TNG Episode
- Also shows Data and Seven Of Nine
We recently got reviewed by Dave Jackson’s Podcast Rodeo Show. Thanks for the kind words!
San Diego Comic-Con Trailers
One of the many fun things with San Diego Comic-Con is the plethora of trailers released. While the days of exclusive trailers are mostly gone, it’s still a big marketing day for the entertainment industry.
Here are several of the trailers that premiered over the weekend.
The Flash Season 6
Terminator: Dark Fate
Dark Crystal
What were your favorite trailers from Sand Diego Comic-Con? Sound off below!
Trek Talk: Jean-Luc Picard Returns, More CBS All-Access Series, Tarantino Movie
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If you’re a “trekkie” or “trekker”, you’ve come to the right place! This episode of Geekville Radio is devoted almost entirely to Star Trek
In a move that has been speculated for some time, Sir Patrick Stewart officially announced his return to the Star Trek franchise as Jean-Luc Picard. While the details are not made yet, Picard’s presence will be on the as yet unnamed second Trek series slated for CBS All-Access. Seth and special guest Will give some fun speculation on what Picard might be doing.
Also in the Trek World, up to four series are in the works for the CBS streaming service.
Not to be outdone by TV, current Spock Zachary Quinto gives an update on the rumored Quentin Tarantino helmed feature film. Given Tarantino’s style, it’s almost assuredly an R-Rated movie. If that is the case, it will mark the first time Star Trek has ventured into R-Rated territory. The big question looms: Is Tarantino a fit for Star Trek?
In late breaking news, veteran Trek actor Brent Spiner has been announced as part of the cast for Supergirl’s fourth season. Plus, Orange Is The New Black’s Ruby Rose has been cast as the previously announced Batwoman.
All this and more in another fun-filled edition of Geekville Radio
Ready Player One Review
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The long awaited geektastic blockbuster has finally arrived! Join Seth and Crazy Train as they review all things Ready Player One. The duo break down all the Easter Eggs they could find, and Seth mentions some of the differences between the book and the movie. So if you’re looking for hidden gems when you see the movie, Seth and Train have a lot of pointers.
And it probably should go with out saying, but MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!
All this and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!
Geekville Radio #185: Trailers, Arrowverse
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Three huge trailers hit over the past couple weeks. Join Seth and Crazy Train as they dissect scene for scene the following trailers:
Star Wars Episode XIII: The Last Jedi
Justice League
Black Panther
On top of that, the duo discuss the first two weeks of the new seasons for The CW “Arrowverse” shows Supergirl, Legends Of Tomorrow, The Flash, and Arrow.Which show has had the strongest outing in the first few weeks? Which was the weakest? And who the heck is going to be the bad guys?
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Geekville Radio: 2017 TV Preview
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In the news, Woody Harrelson is in talks to play a mentor to Alden Ehrenreich’s young Han Solo in the as yet untitled anthology film. Is this a fitting cast? And what can we expect from a Han and Lando team-up?
Also Star Wars related, Princess/General Leia Organa was supposed to have a larger role in Episode IX. Now producers are meeting to decide what should be done with the character. Could we see a recast? A CGI motion capture a la Grand Moff Tarkin?
In TV News, all four DC “Arrowverse” shows have been renewed by CW. On top of that, Constantine has been picked up as an animated series for CW Seed. Can Matt Ryan’s incarnation of the character survive in animated form?
To cap off the news, the villain for the Flash/Supergirl musical crossover has been revealed to be Music Meister. Could we see Neil Patrick Harris return to the role in a live action capacity?
The second half of the show is our semi-annual look at 2017 TV. Crazy Train joins Seth to preview seven new TV shows debuting in the next few months.
Emerald City, NBC – January 6th
Taboo, BBC/FX – January 10th
A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Netflix – January 13th
Legion, FX – February 8th
Taken, NBC – February 27th
Iron Fist, Netflix – March 17th
Star Trek: Discovery, CBS/CBS All Access – May
Are there any shows you are looking forward to? Or you think deserve to be checked out? Let us know in the comments below!