Geekville Radio #270

Geekville Radio #270

Seth and Crazy Train return for an all Star Wars-themed episode of Geekville Radio.

In the first half, they discuss what George Lucas himself revealed would have been his Sequel Trilogy. In the second half, they review the last two episodes of The Mandalorian.

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Geekville Radio #269

Geekville Radio #269

Seth and Crazy Train return for a double-whammy podcast talking The Mandalorian season premiere and the career of the late great Sean Connery.

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Geekville Radio #268

Moon Knight, Snyder Cut, and Video Game Movies, Scooby-Doo Review

Seth and Crazy Train are back for another edition of Geekville Radio. Today, we cover several Marvel, DC, and Star Wars topics. Plus, we talk a few new video game movies.

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Mark Hamill vs. Patrick Stewart in epic Uber Eats commercials

Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart are both iconic actors in their respective franchises, Star Wars and Star Trek. But the two never crossed paths onscreen…

…Until now

Uber Eats produced this commercial that had a baseball bat-wielding Hamill confront a cricket-bat wielding Stewart. The two then seem to confusingly end their feud when the food arrives.

Other shorter commercials see the two legends battle each other in Air-Hockey and Connect Four.