Geekville Radio #265

Geekville Radio #265

Dusting off the cobwebs in The Geekville Radio Studios. Seth and Train return for another Geekville episode.

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Geekville Radio #264

Geekville Radio #264

Seth and Crazy Train reunite to talk Star Wars news as well as Marvel’s potential Secret Wars movie. Then they pay tribute to four iconic entertainment legends who passed away over the last month.

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Star Wars: Squadrons Trailer

EA debuted its first trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons this morning. As expected, the game is centered around piloting fighters. Players can choose between flying for The New Republic or The Empire. No time frame was given for when the game takes place, but judging by the X-Wing design, it looks to be sometime between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens.

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Geekville Radio #261

Geekville Radio #261

Seth and Train return to discuss more Star Wars news and rumors. In addition to that, they talk Namor finally turning up in a live-action film, as well as his part in Black Panther 2. Finally, they top off the show with DC movie news regarding The Snyder cut of Justice League, and the potential return of Henry Cavill’s Superman.

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Geekville Radio #260: Star Wars News and Clone Wars Review

Geekville Radio #260

Seth is joined by special guests Ken and Kylan from Geek Watch One. They discuss the announcements of Taika Waititi helming a Star Wars movie and Leslye Headland running a new TV show.

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Geekville Radio #259: May The Fourth Be With You

Seth flies his tramp freighter solo to talk Star Wars on this sacred day of May The Fourth.

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Leslye Headland developing Star Wars series

This year’s May The Fourth is one for the ages. Not only do we have the debut of The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian documentary to Disney+, but we also have the series finale of The Clone Wars. In addition, LucasFilm announced Taiki Waititi to direct a Star Wars feature film.

Finally, as if all that wasn’t enough, LucasFilm also announced a new Star Wars TV series to air on Disney+ run by Leslye Headland. Variety reported this last week, but Disney confirmed the news today.

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