The Mandalorian Chapter 4 Review

Black Friday may be the busiest shopping day of the year but to Star Wars fans, it’s Mandalorian Day. Season One hits its halfway point with the release of Chapter 4, titled Sanctuary.

Obligatory Spoiler Warning, these reviews have been dipped in Spoiler Sauce. Do not proceed further if you haven’t seen the episode.

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Geekville Radio #246

Geekville Radio #246

(1:50) Disney Plus First Impressions

Disney + is here! I know it just kind of snuck up and surprised everybody without much fanfare (sarcasm of course), but it’s finally here and a ton of people are watching.

What are some of the first things on your viewing lists?

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Mandalorian Chapter 1 Review

Unless you’ve been frozen in carbonite for the last two years, you’ve probably heard of Disney+, the streaming service from (you guessed it) Disney. One of the most anticipated shows available at launch is The Mandalorian, the first all live-action Star Wars TV Series. A multitude of trailers and cutscenes popped up all over the place, all of which have given very few details of the actual story.

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Greedo now screams “MACLUNKEY!” before getting blasted

One of the most unexpected pieces of news came to light with the release of Disney+. That news is the alteration of the infamous Han vs. Greedo scene in the cantina has been altered. Yes, again. While previous edits depicted Greedo as firing first, or the two firing at the same time, this new edit has Greedo screaming “MACLUNKEY!” before getting blasted.

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Actors that have been in both Star Wars and Doctor Who

Both Star Wars and Doctor Who have their devoted fanbases. With Doctor Who, a TV fixture for 56 years (counting the 16 years between series runs), it has seen 13 lead actors and countless supporting actors in a constantly changing cast. Just about anybody who’s anybody in England has appeared in Doctor Who in some capacity.

Star Wars has been at the forefront of pop culture for over 40 years (counting the 16 years between the classic films and the prequels). At the very least, just about every actor associated with the galaxy far far away can find fans at a comic-con or sci-fi convention.

But what of those who have had roles in both Star Wars AND Doctor Who? Believe it or not, there are several names on that list. And some of them may really surprise you!

Rise of Skywalker Trailer Analysis

Rise of Skywalker Trailer Breakdown

Seth flies solo to give a detailed rundown of the brand new final trailer for Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker. Is it really Palpatine? Is it really The Millenium Falcon? And whose throne is that anyway?

Of course, you can follow along with the trailer right here: