This Will Be A Day Long Remembered

Geekville Radio #232: Star Wars Day, Free Comic Book Day, RIP Peter Mayhew

May The Fourth Be With You

It’s May 4th, aka May The Fourth: Star Wars Day. For anybody new to the concept, that means it’s the Unofficial Star Wars Day. Unless you’re in California, where it became a recognized Star Wars Day.

RIP Peter Mayhew (1922-2019)

We can’t mention Star Wars Day without mentioning the sad news of Peter Mayhew’s passing. He of course portrayed Chewbacca in five Star Wars films, and in numerous TV appearances.

According to his IMDB page, he has almost a dozen credits as Chewbacca. If there was Chewbacca appearing in any sort of Star Wars event, chances are it was really Peter in the costume. If not, Peter would often be consulted on how Chewie should be portrayed.

He worked with the fan community up to the very end. He was originally set to appear this weekend at the Dallas Fan Expo. His booth had already been built. Rather than take the booth down, it was changed into a memorial where fans could sign a guest book to give their condolences. One of those “Faith in Humanity Restored” stories.

Lastly, here is the simple but entertaining story of Peter meeting George Lucas for the first time about Star Wars.

Peter Mayhew talks about meeting George Lucas for the first time

Knights Of The Old Republic Movie

Back during Star Wars Celebration, Kathleen Kennedy seemed to confirm that a Knights of The Old Republic movie was in development.

Kathleen Kennedy apparently confirming development on a KOTR feature film

Very little is known about what a Knights Of The Old Republic film would be about, or who is involved. Kennedy herself said she didn’t know what’s in store. Rian Johnson has publicly stated that he is not doing a KOTOR trilogy. It is well known that Game of Thrones creators David Benoiff and D.B. Weiss are developing their own trilogy as well. The presumably mystical setting for a KOTOR film (or trilogy) would seem to be a good fit.

Even George Lucas himself had entertained the idea of a movie about The Old Republic. Specifically, the defeat of The Sith, and how Yoda was instrumental in that role.

Free Comic Book Day

Not only was it Star Wars Day, but it was also Free Comic Book Day.

The complete list of comics that were released is at the official FCBD website.

I can only review two releases, since I could only get two of the titles I was hoping for.

Star Wars Adventures: Droid Hunters – Written by Cavan Scott with art by Derek Charm, Droid Hunters stars Han Solo and Chewbacca and a quest for treasure. The story definitely has that “Saturday Morning Cartoon” vibe to it, and I mean that as a compliment. It’s clearly geared for kids. Nobody dies, and nobody is terribly ruthless. Sure, there’s a double-cross that is fairly obvious, but it’s still enjoyable.

Spider-Man – This one had two stories. The first is by the Venom team of Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman. Eddie Brock is now Carnage, not Venom. Cletus Kasady is not only back, but he has the original Knull symbiote.

The other story is more of a standalone comedy by Saladin Ahmed and Tom Taylor, with art by Corey Smith and Jay Lester. Peter and Miles compare pizza and then take down Shocker… who also has opinions on pizza.

War Of The Realms

Finally, here is the update on War Of The Realms. A SPOILER ALERT has been pressed

The heroes are organizing Strike Force teams to retaliate against Malekith and his armies. There are currently at least two Strike Force.

Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Wolverine travel to Jotunheim, where they find a LOT of dead Frost Giants, and a certain one-armed Thunder God. It’s worth mentioning that Spidey, Cage, and Danny are all apparently worthy of wielding Asgard weaponry.

Another team, led by Freya herself, consists of Punisher, Ghost Rider, She-Hulk, and Blade. One of these things just doesn’t belong here. But they will be going to Svartalfheim, the home of the dark elves.

Note: When getting these comics, I didn’t see the upcoming War Avengers Strike Force team of Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Captain Britain, Weapon H, Winter Soldier, Venom, and Sif. So I didn’t touch on them during recording.

That’s it for War Of The Realms news. Is there anything I missed?

RIP Peter Mayhew (1944-2019)

Alas, the mighty wookiee has made his final roar. It is with a heavy heart that we report the passing of a true Star Wars icon. Peter Mayhew, who portrayed Chewbacca in five feature films and numerous TV appearances, has passed away at the age of 74.

His official Facebook page, which is also run by his wife Angie, confirmed the news earlier today.

The family of Peter Mayhew, with deep love and sadness, regrets to share the news that Peter has passed away. He left us the evening of April 30, 2019 with his family by his side in his North Texas home.

Peter was the man behind the mask of Chewbacca in the original Star Wars trilogy, episode 3 of the prequels, and the New Trilogy. He fought his way back from being wheelchair-bound to stand tall and portray Chewbacca once more in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He also consulted on The Last Jedi in an attempt to teach his successor. He put his heart and soul into the role of Chewbacca and it showed in every frame of the films from his knock kneed running, firing his bowcaster from the hip, his bright blue eyes, down to each subtle movement of his head and mouth. But, to him, the Star Wars family meant so much more to him than a role in a film.

The relationships that began then grew into the friends and family that he would love for decades to come. As the films released and became more well-known he had his eyes opened to the possibilities of what he could achieve with his role in the Star Wars universe. For more than 30 years Peter traveled all over the world spending time with his fans and friends. Peter developed lifelong friendships with the other cast members and his fans while on the convention circuit touching the lives of millions. As he realized over the years the impact he could have, he became heavily involved with the 501st legion, Wounded Warriors, Make-a-Wish, and other non-profit organizations.

To this end, he established the Peter Mayhew Foundation, supporting everything from individuals and families in crisis situations to food and supplies for children of Venezuela during their recent road to freedom. He not only provided funds but became personally involved with each individual, family and cause he supported.

As he grew older he continued to “soldier on” as he put it and was completely in his element around his fans and supporters. He grew great strength from the energy of his family, friends and the fans he knew and loved.

He is survived by his wife Angie and three children. His kindness, generosity and care will live on in the Peter Mayhew Foundation with Angie taking the helm as his voice.

There will be a memorial service for friends and family held on June 29th and in early December in Los Angeles there will be a memorial for fans set up with his family in attendance, personal effects, and collection at EmpireConLA. �
For additional information, information on the memorials or to offer condolences email

Rather than gifts and flowers the family asks that you consider donating to the foundation so that they can continue his efforts to help the community. You can donate at http://

Peter Mayhew’s Facebook Page – “The Wookiee Roars”

We here at Geekville Radio extend our deepest condolences, thoughts, and prayers, to the Mayhew family and friends in this time of grief.

The Mandalorian Panel With GeekDig’s Vengeful Jedi

Geekville Radio is back with a look at The Mandalorian panel from Star Wars Celebration. We are joined by Vengeful Jedi, aka Clint, from GeekDig Podcast.

The Mandalorian Panel from Star Wars Celebration Chicago

Seth and Clint talk the panel, and the news coming out of it. Plus, Clint comments on the sneak peek footage that was only shown to people in attendance.

There was of course a live action Star Wars series in development before Disney bought LucasFilm. The now defunct 1313 game was supposed to be a tie in to it. Like that show, then rumored to be called Star Wars Underworld, The Mandalorian will focus on the grittier side of the Star Wars galaxy where characters are morally ambiguous and of questionable loyalty.

On top of that, Seth and Clint speculate on what The Rise Of Skywalker might mean when it comes to Episode IX.

GeekDig Podcast can be found all over the web, and especially on Apple Podcasts.

Pedro Pascal plays the character known at this time as only The Mandalorian
The vibe is very much that of a Western in space
Former MMA superstar Gina Carano portrays Cara Dune, a former Rebel Shocktrooper
Carl Weathers plays Greef, the leader of The Bounty Hunters Guild
As discussed on the podcast, Pre Vizsla was the character voiced by Jon Favreau in The Clone Wars. He carried a black lightsaber called a darksaber.

What do YOU think of The Mandalorian? Sound off below!

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker Trailer Analysis

At long last, LucasFilm has released the first trailer for Star Wars Episode IX, which is said to be the final episode of The Skywalker Saga. The title was also revealed to be The Rise Of Skywalker.

Some time ago, there was a heavily circulated rumor that Episode IX would be called Balance of The Force. We commented on that in a previous podcast, and what that might mean. We even used information published in 1997 as proof. And we’re here to do it again with the real title.

So what did we do upon seeing the new trailer? Why we did what every other Star Wars geek would do and over-analyze practically every frame so we can speculate on what we think is to come.

Director JJ Abrams said that The Rise of Skywalker will tie up all three trilogies, making it an end to the saga.

For more in-depth commentary, you can follow along with the accompanying podcast. All the images below are of course copyright LucasFilm/Disney and are presented for informational purposes.

Without further ado, on with the analysis so we can yell at everybody else how wrong they are (just kidding…)

You can watch the trailer, or go by the screencaps below
The familiar LucasFilm logo appears, with only the sound of heavy breathing accompanying it.
We see Rey, the source of the heavy breathing on a desert planet. Tatooine? Jakku?
Rey grabs the Skywalker lightsaber. Is danger afoot?
Rey stands alone in the desert. Looking at a sky, it does not appear to be Tatooine
Like something out of the Old West, Rey holds the saber at her side
Rey stands her ground
Again, judging by what appears to be a single sun, this does not look to be Tatooine
GASP! It’s Kylo Ren’s TIE Interceptor! Or is it?
Rey ignites the Skywalker saber
Rey, looking defiant, readies for the attack
Those gloves look like Kylo Ren’s, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s him wearing them. More on that later
Rey begins to run, but in the same direction as the TIE
The TIE is almost caught up
Rey leaps into the air, probably with a Force Jump
This is obviously another planet, but which one?
Kylo Ren gutting an enemy with his trademark crossguard saber. Stormtroopers are also seen
Someone is repairing Kylo Ren’s mask
Is that Rey’s staff? Or did Finn and Poe just stumble onto the set of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?
BB-8 and his new friend D-0, who presumably does not sing “Holy Diver”
Billy Dee looking as only he can look. Great to see Lando is finally back
Flying stormtroopers in hot pursuit of a speeder
Poe, Finn, and 3PO on board the speeder
One of the medals given at The Battle Of Yavin
Rey and Leia embrace
The band is back together! It’s not often we get to see Rey and Poe in the same shot
Arguably the most interesting shot of the whole trailer. Why are those waves moving so slowly?

Over Celebration weekend, we saw several images that may give further hints as to what is going on.

Lando Calrissian, sporting a yellow outfit similar to his younger self in Solo
Poe possibly gathering local citizens
The Poe/Finn shippers will have a field day with this image
Rey reunited with her staff. But what planet is this?
Here we definitely see Kylo piloting his TIE Interceptor
Klad! Undoubtedly the breakout star of Episode IX
Is it possible that Poe Dameron is piloting that TIE Silencer?

So let’s review

  • Rey spends some time on a desert planet that does not appear to be Tatooine
  • The other heroes either arrive with her, or follow her there
  • She may or may not have an encounter with Kylo Ren in his sip. It still could be somebody else piloting. Poe?
  • Lando reunites with Chewie and The Millennium Falcon
  • Kylo and stormtroopers attack people in a forest that looks like it could be Yavin or Takodana
  • At some point, Kylo rebuilds his mask from The Force Awakens
  • Death Star wreckage plays an important part in the film
  • Not only do we hear his laugh, but Palpatine has been confirmed by JJ himself to be in the film in some capacity.
  • If “no one is every truly gone” could we see old friends? Old enemies?

What do you think? Sound off below!!

Disney Star Wars Saga Boxed Set?

Rumors have been flying since 2012, when Disney announced the purchase of LucasFilm, that an encompassing release of classic and current Star Wars films will be released.

Today, that rumor has gained some traction.

Digital Fix reports that Disney will be releasing a 4k (Ultra-HD) collection of the Star Wars Skywalker Saga. This collection would be the first time all nine episodes would be available in one package.

According to a UK-based Disney employee who has spoken to us on the condition of anonymity and who claims to have been involved in the collection of material for an upcoming release of the entire Star Wars Saga in a box set, Disney are planning to release a complete 4K Blu-ray edition of the entire Skywalker saga in 2020.

-The Digital Fix

Ardent fans may remember the “Original Unaltered Trilogy” rumors, and how such a release would have needed cooperation with 20th Century Fox due to distribution rights. Now that Disney owns Fox, that barrier is no longer there.

The original trilogy was shot on film, as was the first prequel The Phantom Menace. The other prequels were both shot digitally, meaning that any footage would have to be converted to a 4K format. LucasFilm was in the process of converting all the films into 3D releases at the time of the sale to Disney. No information is yet available about whether any 3D releases are in store.

Of course, Star Wars Celebration kicks off this weekend, and a ton of news will likely break during the convention. Not the least of which is a trailer for the yet-untitled Episode IX. We’ll try our darnedest to keep up with it all

Geekville Radio #225: Disney/Fox

It’s a mega-sized collection of news on this episode of Geekville Radio. Seth “Zandrax” Zillmann and “Crazy Train” Jonathan Bolick return to talk some of the major headlines

Disney/Fox Merger and The MCU (1:27)

This week, Disney’s merger/buyout of 21 Century Fox properties still has the world buzzing because it has finally become a reality. The effects that this could have on some of their franchises could be felt for years to come.

Perhaps the biggest news, possibly even bigger than the obvious Star Wars distribution rights, is the Fox owned Marvel properties that can now be incorporated into the MCU.

The most obvious addition would be that of The X-Men. One of fans’ biggest complaints about the MCU is it never incorporated Marvel’s famous mutants. Now, that plethora of of characters can be introduced in Phase Four.

The other Fox owned Marvel property is The Fantastic Four. While the three movies may not have been as successful as most MCU movies, two characters linked to that specific brand could easily become major players as villains in future films. Those are of course Doctor Doom and Galactus.

While many fans are understandably thrilled about this, it is very possible there may be some major changes in store for the franchise.

First off, it is not a given that the existing X-Men actors will carry over into The MCU. And yes, that includes Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Despite already having five films’ worth of Spider-Man films, Marvel still recast Tom Holland in the role.

There is also the possibility that, by using the same actors, continuity just would be less sensical. After all, if the X-Men movies are considered part of the MCU, why didn’t The Avengers assist with any of those world-threatening situations.

Deadpool may stay according to reports, though as Train points out, the studio change may legally be a recasting of the role to Ryan Reynolds, just under a new company.

Disney/Fox Merger and Star Wars (19:20)

Another fan friendly wish that may become a reality is the re-release of the Original Trilogy, aka “Non-Special Editions”, Star Wars films. As discussed before, Fox owned the distribution rights to Star Wars. Thus, any theater or home video release could only be through Fox, unless some deal was worked out with Disney. That of course is no longer an obstacle.

Disney Rehires James Gunn (32:10)

Disney announced the return of director James Gunn to Guardians Of The Galaxy vol. 3. Was the reaction to past controversial tweets overblown? Did Disney cave? Was it just trolls? Or did they have this planned all along? There is evidence for all of these possibilities.

Gunn will still be writing and directing Suicide Squad 2, so Guardians 3 will have to wait for that project to finish before it starts filming.

Arrow will end with Season 8 (40:40)

Actor Stephen Amell broke the news via Twitter that Arrow will be ending after a 10 episode season 8.

Oliver Queen himself revealing that Arrow is coming to an end

We already know that Crisis on Infinite Earths will be next years crossover. We also know they’ve been teasing Crisis since the pilot episode of Flash.

In the comics, Flash and Supergirl die during Crisis. Does this mean their respective TV shows will end as well?

Speaking of deaths, Oliver Queen did die in the DC Universe, but was brought back by Hal Jordan as Spectre. So it is very possible that Ollie may bite the big one, and be brought back in some capacity later on.

Bill And Ted 3 (52:40)

The last segment off the show is devoted to the long-awaited confirmation that a third Bill An Ted movie, now titled Bill And Ted Face The Music, has begun filming. Could a sequel to a 30 year old cult classic work in mainstream 2019?

As always, we welcome your thoughts on all these stories. Let us know in the comments section or on our social media

Birth Of A Monster – A Star Wars Fanfilm

One of the many great things about living in the 21st Century is the plethora of fanfilms that get made, because the technology to make such a film is more readily available.

Birth Of A Monster is no exception. This short, but very well produced Star Wars fanfilm tells the background story of one of the most infamous creatures in the entire saga. Saying anything more would be a huge spoiler…

This very well may set a new standard in making fanfilms

And there you have it. Ardent fans may even catch some inspiration from the original Ralph McQuarrie concept art. If you like this movie, please let the creators know! The company is called Escape Velocity Content so check them out!

Obi-Wan Series Headed To Disney?

There has been a ton of news about programming for Disney’s highly anticipated streaming service. Everything from Marvel MCU series to multiple Star Wars titles are rumored to be debuting within the next year.

Perhaps the biggest rumor to date has none other than Ewan McGregor himself attached to an Obi-Wan Kenobi series.

Rumors of an Obi-Wan Kenobi project have circulated ever since the announcement of standalone Star Wars films was made in 2012. The actor had gone on record saying he’d be willing to reprise the role. There was even a report that George Lucas himself was in Ireland scoping out potential filming locations.

Ever since Solo underperformed at the box office last year, future Star Wars spin-off films looked to be in doubt. However, with the reception Marvel MCU series have gotten, along with Jon Favreau’s The Mandalorian, and the revived Clone Wars, the plan may be to adjust these plans from the big screen to the small screen.

What do you think, fellow geeks and geekettes? Would you want Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan on film or at home?

Is Balance Of The Force The Name For Episode IX?

The internet is buzzing about a discovery credited to a Reddit thread which claims Balance Of The Force is on the official Star Wars page. Could this be the title of Episode IX? As of this recording, there has been no official confirmation or denial from Disney or LucasFilm. However, the name “Balance Of The Force” goes back at least a couple decades.

As many fans who remember the mid-90s may attest, the term Balance Of The Force is nothing new to the Star Wars Universe. In fact, it was the heavily rumored title for Episode I going all the way back to when the prequels were announced.

Balance Of The Force was rumored to be the title for Episode I

Mace Windu of course uses the term when discussing Anakin with Qui-Gon Jinn.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a title may have been considered but discarded. When the initial teaser trailer for Return Of The Jedi was released, it had the title Revenge Of The Jedi. George Lucas changed his mind and renamed the movie Return Of The Jedi due to revenge not being a Jedi trait.

Flash forward 22 years, and Episode III got the name Revenge Of The Sith.

In the prequels, it was hinted that destroying the Sith would bring Balance To The Force. Vader accomplished the task by destroying Emperor Palpatine in Episode VI. But was that really bringing balance? Or could it be a balance on how The Force is interpreted? The Jedi and Sith had their own skewed ways of looking at The Force. As said in an excerpt from Episode 35, RealMarchHare and Leadbase talk about what “balance” might mean, and that it could mean a Neutral stance.

There is reason to believe that the title may not be Balance Of The Force after all, as there was a digital pinball game released with that name. Giving a movie the same name as an unrelated video game would seem a bit counterpoductive.

What do you think about the name Balance Of The Force? What do you think it would mean? Sound off below or on our Facebook and Twitter Page.