Geekville Radio: Spider-Man Homecoming Preview, Inhumans Trailer, More Han Solo News

Happy 4th Of July and Happy Belated Canada Day everybody!

The first four minutes of Spider-Man Homecoming has been accidentally on purpose released. What are your initial reactions?

Plus we get a trailer for the Inhumans TV series which will be both in theaters and on TV.

On top of that we have the trailer for The Orville, which nobody seems to care about.

And in Star Wars new, we have more info on the Han Solo Movie on what it could have been vs. what it will probably be under Ron Howard. All this and more in another fun filled episode of Geekville Radio!

Geekville Radio: Ron Howard Directing Han Solo, Dazzler in Dark Phoenix, Spider-Man Homecoming Reviews

Following last week’s departure of Phil Lord and Chris Miller from the Han Solo standalone film, LucasFilm announced Ron Howard will be taking over the project. What changes could be in store for the film? And what does the Academy Award winning director bring to the table? Crazy Train returns to the show to discuss all things Han Solo and Ron Howard with host Seth.

In Marvel news, Dazzler will be the latest mutant to make a big screen debut when X-Men: Dark Phoenix is released. Are there other iconic X-Men stories that cold be brought to the big screen?

And finally, early reviews are overwhelmingly positive for Spider-Man Homecoming. Hear what some critics are tweeting about Tom Holland and Michael Keaton’s performances.

All this and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!

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An abbreviated show this week as Seth flies solo on a light news week.

The top story is that directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were let go from The Han Solo movie. What does this mean for the future? And who could be the replacement?

In other news, Joss Whedon is apparently making heavy changes to the Justice League film. Could we finally get the Hall Of Justice?

In sadder news, the toxicology report for Carrie Fisher’s death has been released, and there were in fact bad substances in her system.

The final story is about character actor Stephen Furst, who passed away at the age of 63.

Geekville Radio: Free Comic Book Day 2017

It’s one of the most anticipated days of the year for comic book fans! Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday, May 6th. Seth flies solo this week to give a rundown of all the titles that will be available with the press releases from the Free Comic Book Day website.

In other news, Seth talks Jeff Goldblum returning to the role of Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic World 2. This will be the second 20 Years Later role reprisal for him.

Also, LucasFilm President Kathleen Kennedy stated there will be no re-release of the original Star Wars Trilogy. In a recent interview she said

I wouldn’t touch those, are you kidding me? Those will always remain his.

Finally, The CW is teasing the identity of Flash Season 3 baddie Savitar in this week’s episode. Seth believes he’s got the right name, and states why it’s the most logical choice.

All this and more in another fun filled Geekville Radio!

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The Last Jedi Trailer dropped during Star Wars Celebration, and Seth, Crazy Train and the returning Uncle Greg analyze it shot by shot because of course they should.

Marvel also dropped a Thor Ragnarok trailer which looks like a ton of fun.

In other news, Josh Brolin has signed to play Cable in Deadpool 2, which means he will be playing both Cable and Thanos at the same time. To which Reynolds had the following reply via Twitter

In DC News Dolph Lundgren will be in the Aquaman movie. He joins an already impressive list of actors including Amber Heard, Nicole Kidman, and Willem Dafoe.

The latter half of the show is dedicated to recapping Star Wars Celebration Orlando, with news coming out of all the major panels. In case you missed Celebration, here is a one-stop shop for all the major panels!

All The Major Star Wars Celebration Panels In One Spot

Miss Star Wars Celebration Orlando? Don’t have the time to sift through the 6-10 hour long live streams? Well fear not, most of the panels have been released in stand alone clips and are available below!

40th Anniversary Panel with George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, Dave Filoni, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, John Williams, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Billie Lourd, Billy Dee Williams, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford.

Carrie Fisher Tribute, and a surprise appearance by John Williams

Ian McDiarmid: Tales From The Dark Side

Ray Park: Prepare To Be Mauled

Small Talk with Warwick Davis

The Heroines Of Star Wars with Daisy Ridley, Ashley Eckstein, Tiya Sircar and Dave Filoni

Mark Hamill’s Tribute To Carrie Fisher

Rebels Season 4 Panel with Dave Filoni, Taylor Gray, Freddie Prince Jr, Vanessa Marshall, Steve Blum, and Tiya Sircar

Smooth Talkin’ with Billy Dee Williams

Battlefront II Panel

40 Years Of C-3PO with Anthony Daniels

Smuggler’s Revenge: A Han Solo Story

These Are The Droids You’re Looking For with Matt Wood, Anthony Daniels, and Alan Tudyk

Mark Hamill Panel with special appearance by his dogs

Closing Ceremoies

Geekville Radio: A Talk With Talking Timelords

This week’s Geekville Radio gives you a Star Wars fix AND a Doctor Who fix in the same episode. Episode VIII now has the official title The Last Jedi. What does this title mean? And what could this lead to with Luke and Rey? Seth flies solo to address these thoughts.

In the main part of the show, Seth and Mark from Examining The Doctor are joined by Jason Hunt and Paul Gann from Talking Timelords. Together they discuss the recently released animated adaption of Doctor Who Power Of The Daleks. It’s the first time this story has been seen in 50 years. But with four Doctor Who geeks, the conversation does frequently bounce about to all aspects of Doctor Who.

If you’re a Doctor Who fan, this episode is for you!

Geekville Radio: 2017 TV Preview

In the news, Woody Harrelson is in talks to play a mentor to Alden Ehrenreich’s young Han Solo in the as yet untitled anthology film. Is this a fitting cast? And what can we expect from a Han and Lando team-up?

Also Star Wars related, Princess/General Leia Organa was supposed to have a larger role in Episode IX. Now producers are meeting to decide what should be done with the character. Could we see a recast? A CGI motion capture a la Grand Moff Tarkin?

In TV News, all four DC “Arrowverse” shows have been renewed by CW. On top of that, Constantine has been picked up as an animated series for CW Seed. Can Matt Ryan’s incarnation of the character survive in animated form?

To cap off the news, the villain for the Flash/Supergirl musical crossover has been revealed to be Music Meister. Could we see Neil Patrick Harris return to the role in a live action capacity?

The second half of the show is our semi-annual look at 2017 TV. Crazy Train joins Seth to preview seven new TV shows debuting in the next few months.

Emerald City, NBC – January 6th

Taboo, BBC/FX – January 10th

A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Netflix – January 13th

Legion, FX – February 8th

Taken, NBC – February 27th

Iron Fist, Netflix – March 17th

Star Trek: Discovery, CBS/CBS All Access – May

Are there any shows you are looking forward to? Or you think deserve to be checked out? Let us know in the comments below!