2005 saw the long awaited return to the airwaves of Doctor Who. With a new series came a new Doctor in Christopher Eccleston. We talk Eccleston’s run, commenting on every single story and episode. Eccleston’s time in the role may have been short, but as we point out, he should be recognized for his contribution to the Whoniverse
A look at The Sylvester McCoy Years, which ended the series original run in 1989.
Bonus points if you know why The TARDIS is pink!
Sylvester McCoy was the last of the original actors to play The Doctor, with his run lasting from 1987 – 1989. Still, despite many of the obstacles put in front of the show, showrunner JNT still managed to put out some classic stories. And McCoy, who wasn’t as much of an actor at the time, still brought a distinctive spin on the character. Especially when around Sophie Aldred’s Dorothy “Ace” McShane.
The mid-Eighties were a tumultuous time for Doctor Who. Peter Davison and his mild-mannered Fifth Doctor departed the show after three seasons and was replaced by the much more brash Sixth Doctor Colin Baker. Fans found the change a bit jarring. Still, despite the controversial casting change, the show continued to score great ratings.
Then came 1985. BBC Controller Michael Grade canceled the show. For over a year, fans petitioned to bring back Doctor Who. When it did return in 1986, the entire season became the 14-part Trial Of A Time Lord epic.
Join Seth, Mark, and Uncle Greg as they time-travel back to the mid-80s and recount the news and controversies using actual press clippings from the time. This is as close as you’ll get to hopping in a TARDIS and traveling back 30 years.
Would you like a Jelly Baby? This month’s Examining The Doctor looks at the legendary run by Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor. Favorite stories, quotes, moments, and much more!
Grab your sonic screwdrivers and hop in your TARDIS, it’s time for the third episode of Examining The Doctor! Naturally, Episode 3 looks at the Jon Pertwee years. Favorite stories, moments, and even a look into the man himself. You’re going to get a perspective you won’t get anywhere else.
Examining The Doctor #2: The Second Doctor, plus the Top And Bottom 10 Doctor Who Stories
In our second installment, Seth Mark, and Greg look at the top and bottom 10 Doctor Who Stories, then discuss Patrick Troughton’s Second Doctor which ran from 1966-1969 and point out why Matt Smith fans should appreciate this Doctor.
In the first segment, the trio covers the Top AND Bottom Ten Doctor Who Stories of all time, as voted by the readers of Doctor Who Magazine. This is an all-time classic segment that is a listener favorite!
The First Doctor William Hartnell (1963-1966, 1973)
Geekville has spawned a monthly Doctor Who podcast called Examining The Doctor. Each month brings a look at a specific Doctor.
November 23rd, 1963: The BBC debuted a new children’s show called Doctor Who to a modest reception. However, the following months viewership would skyrocket with the debut of The Daleks. William Hartnell would portray The Doctor for three years, passing on the role to Patrick Troughton in 1966.
Hartnell reprised the role one last time for the 1973 story The Three Doctors. In 1983, actor Richard Hurndall portrayed The First Doctor for the 20th Anniversary story The Five Doctors.