Examining The Doctor: The Power Of The Daleks Part Four

Part Four of Doctor Who And The Power Of The Daleks is here! Join Mark and Seth as they provide commentary for this recently adapted for animation lost classic. This week, Polly has gone missing while Ben and The Doctor learn more about the mysterious Rebels. Also Dr. Lesterson begins to learn the truth of the Dalek presence.

This commentary will work for both the black and white and colorized version of the episode, so do not worry about which version you need to watch.

Need the episodes? Hop on over to Amazon and get it for instant streaming, or via DVD/Blu-Ray after January 31st.

Geekville Radio: 2017 TV Preview

In the news, Woody Harrelson is in talks to play a mentor to Alden Ehrenreich’s young Han Solo in the as yet untitled anthology film. Is this a fitting cast? And what can we expect from a Han and Lando team-up?

Also Star Wars related, Princess/General Leia Organa was supposed to have a larger role in Episode IX. Now producers are meeting to decide what should be done with the character. Could we see a recast? A CGI motion capture a la Grand Moff Tarkin?

In TV News, all four DC “Arrowverse” shows have been renewed by CW. On top of that, Constantine has been picked up as an animated series for CW Seed. Can Matt Ryan’s incarnation of the character survive in animated form?

To cap off the news, the villain for the Flash/Supergirl musical crossover has been revealed to be Music Meister. Could we see Neil Patrick Harris return to the role in a live action capacity?

The second half of the show is our semi-annual look at 2017 TV. Crazy Train joins Seth to preview seven new TV shows debuting in the next few months.

Emerald City, NBC – January 6th

Taboo, BBC/FX – January 10th

A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Netflix – January 13th

Legion, FX – February 8th

Taken, NBC – February 27th

Iron Fist, Netflix – March 17th

Star Trek: Discovery, CBS/CBS All Access – May

Are there any shows you are looking forward to? Or you think deserve to be checked out? Let us know in the comments below!

Examining The Doctor: The Power Of The Daleks Part Three

This week’s Examining The Doctor brings us to the halfway point of The Power Of The Daleks. This story aired exactly once in the Fall of 1966, and was never repeated in England. It was also one of the casualties of the BBC wiping its film library in the early 1970s.

Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature style of knowledge and humor to this animated adaption of the lost Patrick Troughton classic, The Power Of The Daleks.

Need the episodes? Hop on over to Amazon and get it for instant streaming, or via DVD/Blu-Ray after January 31st.

Mind Blowing Fan Theory about “Dr. Who”

Here’s an interesting fan theory as to how Peter Cushing’s human “Dr. Who” fits into the canon. Cushing of course does not count as any of the 12 established incarnations of everybody’s favorite Time Lord. But is it possible to make his character canon?


What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Examining The Doctor: The Power Of The Daleks Part Two

This week’s Examining The Doctor looks at Part Two of the long lost Patrick Troughton classic The Power Of The Daleks. The story has recently been released in an animated adaption, and broadcast on BBC and BBC America. Plus, you can get the episodes at our Amazon affiliate link.

Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to the biggest release of Classic Doctor Who in some time! The Power Of The Daleks stars Patrick Troughton as The Second Doctor, Michael Craze as Ben, and Anneke Wills as Polly.

Don’t forget our awesome affiliates Amazon Highspots and Audible.com

Examining The Doctor #52: The Power of the Daleks Part One

Examining The Doctor #52: The Power Of The Daleks Part One

The animated adaption of 1966’s Power Of The Daleks has been released! Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to a long-lost Doctor Who story that was only broadcast once. Now it has been adapted to animated for a whole new generation to enjoy. It also happens to be Patrick Troughton’s first outing as The Second Doctor, picking up the mantle from William Hartnell.

Examining The Doctor: The Power Of The Daleks Part One

Image Credit: BBC

In what is some of the biggest Doctor Who news to come along in some time, BBC has authorized an animated adaption of the long lost story The Power Of The Daleks. Not only is this story entirely missing, but it is also the first story featuring Patrick Troughton as The Second Doctor. The story aired only once in England, and was lost when the original tape reels were wiped in 1974 to make room for new programming.

Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to the newly released Power Of The Daleks, adapted for a new generation.

Don’t own the story? Get it at our Amazon affiliate link

Don’t forget our awesome affiliates Amazon Highspots and Audible.com

Geekville Podcast Episode 154

Laurel’s back? Image credit CW

The Arrowverse has completed the respective mid-seasons for all the respective shows. Join Seth and Train as they discuss the questions raised in Flash, Arrow, and Legends Of Tomorrow. this of course means SPOILERS if you have not seen the episodes.

In Marvel news, a new trailer debuted for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. What will become of Baby Groot and Laughing Drax?

Not only that, we got a trailer for Spider-Man Homecoming which gave us Evil Michael Keaton and more Robert Downey Jr.

In the final segment of the show, Seth and Train talk the imminent release of Rogue One. Is the hype worth it? And what are some of the easter eggs in the trailers and TV spots?

All this an more in another fun filled Geekville Podcast!

Examining The Doctor Episode 51: The Curse Of Fenric Part Four

Image Credit: BBC
Image Credit: BBC

The penultimate Classic Doctor Who story comes to a close with Part Four of The Curse Of Fenric. Ace’s coming of age story is told alongside an invasion by mutant vampires.

Join Seth and Mark as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor in their commentary for the final episode of Doctor Who And The Curse Of Fenric!

Need the DVD? Get it at our Amazon affiliate link

Don’t forget our awesome affiliates Amazon Highspots and Audible.com

Examining The Doctor Episode 50: Curse Of Fenric Part Three

Image Credit: BBC
Image Credit: BBC

Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to Part Three of the 1989 Sylvester McCoy story The Curse of Fenric. The Doctor and Ace try to save the world from the mutated vampires called Haemavores.

Need the DVD? Get it at our Amazon affiliate link

Don’t forget our awesome affiliates Amazon Highspots and Audible.com