Our look at the penultimate story of classic Doctor Who continues with Part Two of 1989’s The Curse Of Fenric. Join Seth and Mark as they bring their signature blend of Knowledge and Humor as they lend commentary to another classic story from the JNT Era.
Part two of the modern David Tennant classic Silence In The Library is titled Forest Of The Dead. Donna Noble is gone (or is she?) leaving The Doctor and River Song to deal with the threat of the Vasta Narada.
Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and Humor to one of the greatest Doctor Who stories to come from Stephen Moffat’s mind.
Our first David Tennant story is quite a doozy! Silence In The Library is one of the more popular stories of Tennant’s run.
In the story, The Doctor and Donna answer a distress call in a barren space library. Soon after, they are joined by archeologists (including the debuting fan favorite River Song) to investigate. Once a hideous species is uncovered, things start turning deadly!
Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor as they examine the modern David Tennant classic Silence In The Library! You will need a copy of the episode to sync up with the commentary.
If you do not own Silence In The Library, you can stream it with Amazon Video. Prefer DVD/Blu-Ray? No Problem! Amazon has those too! We do get a little bit of kickback if you buy through those affiliate links.
Our first Matt Smith story is looked at as a modern classic. The Doctor and Amy travel to 1890 to meet the legendary Vincent Van Gogh. However, all is not well as a strange creature is on the loose, and only The Doctor and Van Gogh himself have the ability to stop it.
Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of knowledge and humor to Series 5’s Vincent And The Doctor, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.
A more personal show this week, as Seth tells Train about two major panels at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con. Namely the Back To The Future and Daredevil panels. What were the favorite lines and scenes of Michael J Fox, Lea Thompson, and Christopher Lloyd’s? What songs would Elektra, Karen Page, and Foggy Nelson sing at late night karaoke? All these questions and more are answered! Plus commentary on some of the amazing cosplay artists, and talk of the new female Iron Man: Ironheart! Not to mention a whole lotta random tomfoolery!
Theme Music: “Adventure Meme” and “Cyborg Ninja”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Examining The Doctor: The Caves Of Androzani Part Three
It’s a very different episode of Examining The Doctor this week, as it lacks two thirds of its Time Lords. Seth is forced to pilot his TARDIS solo while examining Part Three of The Caves Of Androzani. See The Magma Beast in all it’s glory, and the political intrigue that develops between Morgus and The President. But most importantly, see why this is named The Greatest Doctor Who Story of all time!
Peter Davison’s epic swansong The Caves Of Androzani is the focus of Examining The Doctor. Part Two finds The Doctor and Peri facing a Firing Squad (or does it?). Throughout the episode, the political struggle between Androzani Major and Androzani Minor is fleshed out, Sharaz Jek’s role is defined, and we get some wonderfully silly shots of The Magma Creature.
Still, despite the budgetary issues, the elements of greatness shine through in this second installment of what is now the Guinness Book Of World Records Holder as The Greatest Doctor Who Story Of All Time. Join Mark and Seth as they bring their trademark blend of knowledge and humor to this episode. It’s the audio equivalent of Spectrox.
Examining The Doctor #33: The Caves Of Androzany Part One
1984 was a pivotal year for Doctor Who. It saw not only the departure of three companions but the departure of The Fifth Doctor himself, Peter Davison. Thankfully Davison’s swansong was an epic tale worthy of a regeneration story.
The Doctor and newfound companion Peri find themselves on the barren planet of Androzani Minor and are quickly mistaken for gunrunning terrorists. The Doctor is quick to learn that there’s more than meets the eye on this planet, and he and Peri soon find themselves facing certain death in the name of a political struggle.
Join Mark and Seth as they bring their signature blend of historical knowledge and humor to what is currently the Guinness Book Of World Record holder as the greatest Doctor Who Story of all time.
Examining The Doctor #32: The Doctor Dances examined
The second part of The Empty Child has Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor in a position where he must save the world from nanogenes during early WWII. Mark and Seth bring their usual blend of classic knowledge and satirical humor to provide commentary for what is widely regarded as one of the best stories not only in the modern era but in all Doctor Who, as it is rated in the Top 10 via Doctor Who Magazine fan votes.
Part Four of the epic Tom Baker story The Ark In Space. Noah, having been completely transformed into a Wirrn, begins his takeover of The Ark. The Doctor, Harry, Sarah, and Vira desperately try to save the station. Mark and Seth return to provide their unique blend of knowledge and humor on this finale of one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time.