Seth dives into the trailer for the third and final season of the Star Wars animated series The Bad Batch. Below are the screencaps
ALSO making her return, the believed dead Asajj VentressHunter reminds us that he is not very good at following orders, a stark contrast to his beliefs at the start of the seriesOmega piloting a vessel, probably one of the airships, after her rescue/escapeThe chief clonerAlso making his return, Cad BaneFennec Shand makes her return to The Bad Batch seriesAn Imperial commando and his Stormtrooper brethrenA juggernaut unleashing a hellfire of missiles.An Imperial trooper clad in black, looking like a Star Wars version of Snake-EyesEmperor Palpatine, voiced by Ian McDiarmid himself, speaks of putting things in place to preserve The Empire. More cloning facilities anybody?Omega in her cell sometime later, perhaps wondering if she will ever be rescued.Omega looks ready to drop some beats in her holding cell.The Lawful Evil antagonist brilliantly voiced by MichaelCrosshair also being held captive on Mount TantissOmega being held captive on Mount TantissWrecker battling Imperial TIE FightersHunter catches up with his clone brother Captain Rex.In what will be almost assuredly one of the many teased death scenes, Wrecker tries to jump from the doomed Juggernaut to safety on the Stormtroopers prepare to board the Juggernaut