Geekville Radio #363: Acolyte Episode 3 Review

The Acolyte’s third episode is the most controversial one yet. What has the fanbase up in arms, and what actually happened versus what we were shown?

2:15 – The Story

You can check out the written summary here.

The entire episode is a flashback to the events referenced in the first episode about Osha’s family being wiped out. Osha is front and center throughout the episode, so it seems like the story is from her point of view.

Ascension? Oops, wrong Star Franchise…
Ghostbusters had Jedi Tests before they were cool!

12:30 – What Does This All Mean?

One of the biggest criticisms is that Aniseya referred to The Force as The Thread. That came across to me like how different religions may have different names for similar things. No light side or dark side

The other point of contention is the retconning of The Force creating life. In the original saga, Palpatine states Darth Plagueis was the only one who successfully used The Force to create life. It’s possible that was a lie, but being a literal child of The Force made Anakin special. It convinced Qui-Gon Jinn to believe he was The Chosen One. Adding additional Force Children (for lack of a better term) diminishes the story told in George Lucas’s films.

These people couldn’t have died all at once from a fire

As for how everybody died so quickly, the solution is simple. The witches didn’t die in the fire. The Jedi slaughtered them. The screams we heard were from them getting cut down, not burning to death. They then spread the fire to burn the bodies to ash and hide the murder evidence.

This will probably still be made to fit in the classic Saga because this is shortly before the rise of Darth Plagueis, who is officially the only Sith Lord to create life.