Geekville Radio #364: Acolyte Episode 4

It’s episode 4 of The Acolyte. Will this bring a new hope to the show? We certainly hope so.

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The Acolyte Episode 4: “Day” Review

We don’t need to go into the poodoo that was last week’s episode. Will we see some Wookiee Jedi but-kicking? Will we see Darth Toothygrin? There’s only one way to find out!

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for The Acolyte Episode 4 “Day!” Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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Geekville Radio #363: Acolyte Episode 3 Review

The Acolyte’s third episode is the most controversial one yet. What has the fanbase up in arms, and what actually happened versus what we were shown?

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Geekville Radio #362: Acolyte Review

The controversial latest entry in the Star Wars TV lore finally premiered on Disney+. how did the first two episodes fare?

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Geekville #361: X-Men ’97 Wrap-Up

We’ve talked a TON of Star Wars lately, so we’ll concentrate on the season finale of X-Men ’97.

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X-Men ’97 Episode 10: “Tolerance is Extinction Part 3” Review

Asteroid heading for Earth, literal mind-warfare, AND time travel to boot. It’s almost every sci-fi trope wrapped up in one heckuva season finale!

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for the X-Men ’97 Episode Tolerance is Extinction Part 3!” Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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