National Podcast Post Month Day 3: Unpopular Opinions

Day 3 of National Podcast Post Month, aka NaPodPoMo, takes us to the world of pro wrestling. Some valid opinions may not be popular. That is why this episode is called Unpopular Opinions.

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National Podcast Post Month Day 2: The Shadow


Day 2 of National Podcast Post Month (NaPodPoMo for short) brings the inaugural inductee into our Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame, THE SHADOW!

“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

That famous line opened many episodes of the famed radio series. You may have heard of The Shadow, but do you know how influential the character really is? Seth and Crazy Train dive into the character who is arguably the first-ever superhero!

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National Podcast Post Month Day 1: The Dukes of Hazzard

November is National Pod Post Month! 30 episodes in 30 days and we are up for the challenge! The first entry is an encore presentation of the inaugural episode of Nostalgia Trip, which covered the classic TV show The Dukes Of Hazzard that ran on CBS from 1979-1985.

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Book of Boba Fett Chapter 3: “The Streets of Mos Espa” Review

The story has entered its second act now that Boba has two Hutts out to get him. Plus, we got the introduction of a fan-favorite character from the comics. Will he pop up again this week?

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3! Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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Geekville Radio #299: Triple Whammy 2021

Seth and Train end 2021 with a triple whammy of geek reviews! First up, Spider-Man: No Way Home followed by the season finale of Hawkeye. And finally, the series premiere of The Book of Boba Fett. 2021 may have been a lousy year but there were some great geek movies and programming.

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Book of Boba Fett Chapter One: “Stranger In A Strange Land” Review

The year-long wait for The Book of Boba Fett is finally over. Everybody’s favorite Mandalorian bounty hunter finally takes center stage in his own standalone series. Will it be worth the wait? There is only one way to find out!

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains slight spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett Episode One! Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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Hawkeye Season Finale: “So This Is Christmas” Review

The first thing I noticed was that this clocked in at 62 minutes with credits, about 15 minutes longer than most of the other episodes. So we are getting a super-sized episode.

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains slight spoilers for Hawkeye Episode 6! Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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Geekville Radio #298

Seth and Train return with news on DC TV, Shang-Chi 2, Book of Boba Fett, and final predictions for the Hawkeye season finale

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