Geekville Presents Examining The Doctor: Episode 7

The Seventh Doctor: Sylvester McCoy (1987-1989)

A look at The Sylvester McCoy Years, which ended the series original run in 1989.

Bonus points if you know why The TARDIS is pink!
Sylvester McCoy was the last of the original actors to play The Doctor, with his run lasting from 1987 – 1989. Still, despite many of the obstacles put in front of the show, showrunner JNT still managed to put out some classic stories. And McCoy, who wasn’t as much of an actor at the time, still brought a distinctive spin on the character. Especially when around Sophie Aldred’s Dorothy “Ace” McShane.

Geekville Presents Examining The Doctor: Episode 6

The Sixth Doctor: Colin Baker (1984-1986)

The mid-Eighties were a tumultuous time for Doctor Who. Peter Davison and his mild-mannered Fifth Doctor departed the show after three seasons and was replaced by the much more brash Sixth Doctor Colin Baker. Fans found the change a bit jarring. Still, despite the controversial casting change, the show continued to score great ratings.

Then came 1985. BBC Controller Michael Grade canceled the show. For over a year, fans petitioned to bring back Doctor Who. When it did return in 1986, the entire season became the 14-part Trial Of A Time Lord epic.

Join Seth, Mark, and Uncle Greg as they time-travel back to the mid-80s and recount the news and controversies using actual press clippings from the time. This is as close as you’ll get to hopping in a TARDIS and traveling back 30 years.