Fanfilms often can be a mixed bag. Even the best ones can look second-rate compared to real movies and episodes After all, they’re made by fans for fans and not by a professional studio, and monetizing one without permission is a quick way to get sued out of oblivion. However, every so often, a fanfilm is made with ideas so entertaining they overcome its weak points.
Crisis on Infinite Excaliburs is just such a fanfilm.
Tag: fanfilms
Birth Of A Monster – A Star Wars Fanfilm
One of the many great things about living in the 21st Century is the plethora of fanfilms that get made, because the technology to make such a film is more readily available.
Birth Of A Monster is no exception. This short, but very well produced Star Wars fanfilm tells the background story of one of the most infamous creatures in the entire saga. Saying anything more would be a huge spoiler…
And there you have it. Ardent fans may even catch some inspiration from the original Ralph McQuarrie concept art. If you like this movie, please let the creators know! The company is called Escape Velocity Content so check them out!