The Acolyte Episode 6: “Teach/Corrupt” Review

The Acolyte enters its third act with a villain on the loose and with the Thread Twins switching roles. And who saw THAT coming?

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for The Acolyte Episode 6 “Teach/Corrupt!” Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!


  • Qimir is seducing Osha, perhaps figuratively AND literally
  • Sol realized that it was Mae, not Osha, on his ship
  • Venestra knows about the Jedi massacred on Khofar

Osha wakes up in Qimir’s hideout in Ireland… I mean Ach To… I mean a planet that looks like Ach To.. She follows Qimir around and watches him bathe in the lake. Of course, Qimir can sense she’s watching him as he swims around naked. I can’t believe I just typed that. They spend the day talking awkwardly about each other’s past as he repairs his Cortosis helmet and gauntlets. Qimir implies the heavy scarring on his back is from his former master.

Meanwhile, Sol contacts Coruscant and informs the Jedi Council that his team is dead. However, he is unable to make a reliable connection. Mae, disguised as Osha tries to sneak up on him to kill him, but Bazil keeps interfering. Eventually, Sol realizes this is Mae, not Osha, and stuns her. Finally, he blasts off into hyperspace without actually telling anybody about the self-proclaimed Sith Lord who slaughtered his entire party.

Venestra lands moments after Sol’s departure and investigates the forest with a rescue team. They find all the dead bodies that nobody bothered to bury and are likely in rigor mortise by now. Mog suspects that Sol may be the killer and suggests they at least bury the bodies.

The episode ends with Osha trying on Qirim’s helmet, hinting that she may be going to the Dark Side after all.


  • Does Vestra know about the slaughter of the witch coven?
  • Who was Qimir’s master?


Talk about a “nothing happening” episode. Just about everything in this episode felt like filler. Probably the biggest news is that Sol figured out Mae was on his ship, not Osha. It’s a bit creepy that still nobody buried the bodies yet. That forest is going to get mighty stinky.

It’s laughably ridiculous how dumb the characters are. From letting a suspected killer roam free, to falling for the old “switched twins” trope. It’s hard to get invested in a story when the characters are such morons.