The Acolyte Episode 7 “Choice” Review

We finally get the whole story of what really happened on Brendok 16 years ago. Are the Jedi murderers? What is Sol hiding? Will anybody care? There is only one way to find out!

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for The Acolyte Episode 7 “Choice!” Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!


  • Sol killed Aniseya
  • Aniseya was going to let Osha join The Jedi
  • Indara killed the lesbian space witches by winning a Force Tug Of War

The Jedi search the forest with tablets and metal detectors because Brendok was once classified as lifeless due to a “hyperspace disaster”. Sol sees the twins and follows them to their hideout atop the giant mountain.

The Jedi slice their way into the base as seen in Episode 3. But now we see that Aniseya got into Torbin’s head and tempted him by saying she would help him return to Coruscant. This is how she gained control of Torbin’s mind.

We also learned that Sol suggested testing the children as a stalling tactic. He believes Osha was meant to be his Padawan. Torbin learns that the twins were created and have the same symbiote and runs off on his speeder saying the kids are proof of a vergence and is their ticket home.

Aniseya tells the rest of the lesbian space witches that Osha is free to join the Jedi. Koril arms the other witches to kill the Jedi. Indara and Kelnacca hover above the mountain while Sol and Torbin confront the mothers. Mae runs in yelling about the fire. Koril arms her staff while Anieya turns into a cloud… Mae also turns into a cloud… Sol sees this as an attack and slices Aniseya with his lightsaber. Even though she’s part cloud the saber still works and Aniseys dies saying she was letting Osha join the Jedi.

Koril and the other Lesbian Space Witches take over Kelnacca’s mind to fight Sol and Torbin until Indara runs in and stops the mind control… Which somehow kills all the space witches. Sol runs off to find Osha and Mae and sees them on the broken bridge. As we suspected before, he let Mae drop to save Osha.

Indara reprimands Sol and Torbin for not following her instructions. They decide to blame everything on Mae. Sol takes Osha as a Padawan without clearing it with the Council beforehand.


  • Why didn’t Aniseya just tell the Jedi she was willing to let Osha join the Jedi?
  • How did the Jedi not notice the giant mountain with artificial lighting in the dead of night?


So what happened on Brendok wasn’t all that different from what we saw before. I know I sound like a broken record but these characters are so idiotic I don’t care whether any of them live or die. The Jedi somehow were on Brendok for seven weeks searching for life but didn’t notice the giant mountain with a base carved into the top of it that was clearly lit by artificial means.

As usual, I will have more to say in the upcoming podcast review.