We return to the Nostalgia Trip for Day 5 of NaPodPoMo 2023 where Seth and Crazy Train talk The Monkes, a TV/musical act that reached the pinnacle of pop culture in the 1960s..
Both Star Wars and Doctor Who have their devoted fanbases. With Doctor Who, a TV fixture for 60 years (counting the 16 years between series runs), it has seen 13 lead actors and countless supporting actors in a constantly changing cast. Just about anybody who’s anybody in England has appeared in Doctor Who in some capacity.
Star Wars has been at the forefront of pop culture for over 45 years (counting the 16 years between the classic films and the prequels). At the very least, just about every actor associated with the galaxy far far away can find fans at a comic-con or sci-fi convention.
But what of those who have had roles in both Star Wars AND Doctor Who? Believe it or not, there are several names on that list. And some of them may really surprise you!
Day 3 of National Podcast Post Month, aka NaPodPoMo, takes us to the world of pro wrestling. Some valid opinions may not be popular. That is why this episode is called Unpopular Opinions.
Day 2 of National Podcast Post Month (NaPodPoMo for short) brings the inaugural inductee into our Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame, THE SHADOW!
“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”
That famous line opened many episodes of the famed radio series. You may have heard of The Shadow, but do you know how influential the character really is? Seth and Crazy Train dive into the character who is arguably the first-ever superhero!
November is National Pod Post Month! 30 episodes in 30 days and we are up for the challenge! The first entry is an encore presentation of the inaugural episode of Nostalgia Trip, which covered the classic TV show The Dukes Of Hazzard that ran on CBS from 1979-1985.
Seth and Train end 2021 with a triple whammy of geek reviews! First up, Spider-Man: No Way Home followed by the season finale of Hawkeye. And finally, the series premiere of The Book of Boba Fett. 2021 may have been a lousy year but there were some great geek movies and programming.
Mark and Seth return to give their signature blend of knowledge and humor into the Tom Baker Doctor Who classic story Horror of Fang Rock.
After the sudden death of a lighthouse crew member, a ship crashes into the rocky shores of Fang Rock. While The Doctor and the remaining lighthouse crew rush to save the survivors, Leela sees a mysterious creature in the water.