Geekville Radio #267

Geekville Radio #267

We’re dusting off the cobwebs in the Geekville Radio Studios to dive into the news for the month of September 2020.

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The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame #8: The Black Hole (1979)

The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame #8: The Black Hole (1979)

Seth and Crazy Train return for the latest induction into the Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame. As longtime fans may know, inductees are not limited to just characters or people. Superheroes, literary characters, heroes, villains, real people, etc… For the first time, we are inducting a feature film. And there is no better inaugural movie inductee that 1979’s The Black Hole.

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Geekville Radio #266

Geekville Radio #266

This episode of Geekville Radio deals almost entirely with DC’s virtual convention DC Fandome.

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Geekville Radio #265

Geekville Radio #265

Dusting off the cobwebs in The Geekville Radio Studios. Seth and Train return for another Geekville episode.

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Geekville Radio #264

Geekville Radio #264

Seth and Crazy Train reunite to talk Star Wars news as well as Marvel’s potential Secret Wars movie. Then they pay tribute to four iconic entertainment legends who passed away over the last month.

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Geekville Radio #263

Geekville Radio #263

Seth flies solo to talk the Transformers: War For Cybertron trailer and the first few episodes of Stargirl.

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Geekville Radio #262

Geekville Radio #262

NOTE: This episode was recorded on June 28th

Seth and Train return in a heavily Batman-themed episode talking Michael Keaton’s potential return to the cowl, and the life and times of Joel Schumacher. But first, news about Cobra-Kai moving to Netflix.

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Examining The Dead #25

Examining The Dead #25


COVID-19 has thrown Hollywood for a loop and the Horror genre is no different. “Crazy Train” Jonathan Bolick and Seth “Zandrax” Zillman discuss the delays in The Coroner’s Report. Then, in the Gruesome Twosome is a review of two classic B-Movies centered around evil cars: 1977’s The Car and 1987’s Maximum Overdrive. Finally, The Reverend Dan Wilson joins to talk The Chattanooga Film Festival.

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Geekville Radio #261

Geekville Radio #261

Seth and Train return to discuss more Star Wars news and rumors. In addition to that, they talk Namor finally turning up in a live-action film, as well as his part in Black Panther 2. Finally, they top off the show with DC movie news regarding The Snyder cut of Justice League, and the potential return of Henry Cavill’s Superman.

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