Mind-blowing fan trailer summarizes The MCU in two minutes

Gugga Leunnam’s YouTube page has a mind-blowing trailer that covers The Infinity Saga (Marvel’s first three MCU phases) in two minutes. Starting with 2008’s Iron Man, it shows a few seconds of the other films in a way that can only be described as epic.

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Geekville Radio #260: Star Wars News and Clone Wars Review

Geekville Radio #260

Seth is joined by special guests Ken and Kylan from Geek Watch One. They discuss the announcements of Taika Waititi helming a Star Wars movie and Leslye Headland running a new TV show.

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Geekville Radio #259: May The Fourth Be With You


Seth flies his tramp freighter solo to talk Star Wars on this sacred day of May The Fourth.

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The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame #7: Adam Strange

Inductee #7: Adam Strange

The latest inductee into The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame is DC Comics’ rocket pack-wearing scientist Adam Strange. First appearing in Showcase #17 in 1958, Strange was hardly the first hero to don a rocket backpack. However, unlike his movie serial predecessors, Strange is still around today.

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Geekville Radio #258


Seth and Train return to talk the news, COVID-19 delaying feature films, and debate Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow.

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Geekville Radio #257


In our first post-quarantine episode, Seth returns to his mobile underground bunker to chat with Train about the news of the past two weeks.

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What Happened When Kylo Ren Tried To Torture Chewbacca?

The novelization of The Rise Of Skywalker has finally hit bookshelves a full three months after the release of the film. As expected, several scenes from the film are expanded upon and include explanations for things that were not made clear in the movie itself.

OBLIGATORY SPOILER WARNING: If you have not seen The Rise Of Skywalker movie or read this book, you may want to stop now to avoid any unwanted spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.

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Is Mark Ruffalo Appearing In She-Hulk?

Marvel announced a She-Hulk TV series last year for their Disney+ streaming series. Aside from who might play the title character, one of the first questions was whether Mark Ruffalo will reprise his role as Bruce Banner/Hulk for the show.

Reports are surfacing that Ruffalo will indeed appear in the series. Give the close nature between Hulk and She-Hulk, it would be difficult to tell her story without him in at least the premiere episode.

In the comics, Jennifer Walters was a lawyer who needed a blood transfusion after being shot and critically wounded by a crime boss. However, unlike the traditional case with Bruce and The Hulk, Walters had control over her changing ability and could change to and from She-Hulk at will.

She-Hulk will debut sometime in 2021 on Disney+ and will fit into Marvel’s Phase Four in its Cinematic Universe.

Could a Classic X-Men Member Be the Villain In Captain Marvel 2?

It’s no secret that Marvel will begin incorporating mutants into the MCU. Exactly which mutants will appear where and when remains to be seen, but a few rumors and clues have surfaced in the past few weeks.

One of the biggest rumors making the rounds is that Rogue will appear in the yet-untitled Captain Marvel sequel. Not only that, but she will also be one of the film’s villains. Obviously no casting has been announced, but the chances of Anna Paquin reprising the role are pretty slim.

Longtime fans know that Rogue wasn’t always one of the X-Men. In fact, she first appeared as a member of The Brotherhood alongside her mother figure Mystique. Unlike her big-screen counterpart, the comic version possessed super-strength, invulnerability, and flying abilities.

How did she acquire those superpowers? Enter Carol Danvers.

Depending on the book or animated series episode, Rogue either deliberately or was forced to use her power absorption on her. At this time, Carol was known as Miss Marvel. Due to Rogue using the power for a longer time than usual, her absorption was permanent. Carol was left comatose from the attack.

But after time with The Brotherhood, and all the absorption of memories and emotions from those she attacked, Rogue eventually turned good and joined The X-Men.

Captain Marvel 2 has yet to secure a firm release date but may not get made until Marvel’s Phase Five. This would put Carol’s second big-screen adventure at 2022 or 2023 at the earliest.

Geekville Radio #256: Star Wars High Republic and C2E2 Coverage


Seth and Crazy Train return to talk several subjects, ranging from Star Wars: The High Republic to C2E2. Specifically, the future of DC Comics and Marvel’s Empyre storyline.

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