Geekville Radio #185: Trailers, Arrowverse

Three huge trailers hit over the past couple weeks. Join Seth and Crazy Train as they dissect scene for scene the following trailers:

Star Wars Episode XIII: The Last Jedi

Justice League

Black Panther

On top of that, the duo discuss the first two weeks of the new seasons for The CW “Arrowverse” shows Supergirl, Legends Of Tomorrow, The Flash, and Arrow.Which show has had the strongest outing in the first few weeks? Which was the weakest? And who the heck is going to be the bad guys?

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Examining The Doctor: The Best Of Examining The Doctor

We’re dusting off the cobwebs in the TARDIS to celebrate International Podcast Podcast Day. This episode of Examining The Doctor is a throwback to the early days where we discussed specific Doctors. There are three main segments to this epsiode

Segment 1 – The Best And Worst Of Doctor Who. Mark, Greg, and Seth discuss the Top and Bottom 10 Doctor Who stories as voted by fans in the Doctor Who Magazine in 2013. The entire show, which also talks the Patrick Troughton years, can be found here

Segment 2 – The Colin Baker Years. A look back at Colin Baker’s run and the politics surrounding his departure. That episode can be found here

Segment 3 – The David Tennant Years. A look at Tennant’s first two years as The Doctor. Entire episode can be found here.

Examining The Doctor is coming back to the Geekville Radio Airwaves soon.

Geekville Radio #184: Crisis On Earth X, Punisher Trailer

The CW’s “Flarrowverse” four part crossover has officially been given a name. DC Comics officially released the event’s name, Crisis On Earth X. While this conjurs up thoughts of past “Crisis” titles in DC’s history, this does look to be a more original title.

It has also been revealed that The Ray will play a major part in the story, and fans got their first glimpse of The Ray and Earth X in the preview for Freedom Fighters: The Ray.

In Marvel news, Netflix has released the initial trailer for the upcoming Punisher series, and it looks like it could be the best live-action Punisher yet.

In older but still fun Star Wars news, Seth and special guest Clint discuss JJ Abrams officially taking over Episode IX.

In the final two segments, Clint talks playing Destiny 2, while Seth reviews the first two issues of DC’s Dark Nights: Metal

All this and more in another fun-filled episode of Geekville Radio!

Geekville Radio #183: Star Wars News, Episode IX Loses Director

It’s happened again. LucasFilm has announced the parting of another director from a Star Wars movie. The Hollywood Reporter published an article on Colin Trevorrow from Episode IX. Join Seth and special guests Ken from Geek Watch One and Derrick from Wookiee Radio as they discuss the news, and the potential ramifications on the movie.

From the article:

“Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow have mutually chosen to part ways on Star Wars: Episode IX. Colin has been a wonderful collaborator throughout the development process, but we have all come to the conclusion that our visions for the project differ. We wish Colin the best and will be sharing more information about the film soon,”

Speculation on possible replacements have already begun.

“Rumors are already circulating as to possible replacements for Trevorrow. Rian Johnson, who is in post for The Last Jedi (Episode VIII), has been mentioned as a possibility, returning to the franchise. J.J. Abrams, who successfully helmed Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has also emerged as a top contender.”

“Trevorrow’s departure now marks the fourth time directors have been replaced on a Star Wars project. Tony Gilroy took over from Gareth Edwards for massive reshoots on 2016’s Rogue One. And Josh Trank was taken off of a Star Wars anthology film after reports arose about the helmer’s disturbing behavior on the set of Fox’s Fantastic Four reboot. Like Trank’s, Trevorrow’s exit occurred before the movie started shooting.”

Nerdist published a speculative list of potential replacements.

-Ryan Coogler, Director of Creed and Black Panther

-Michelle McLaren, Director of Game Of Thrones episodes

-Patty Jenkins, Director of Wonder Woman

-Ava Duvernay, Director of Selma

-James Mangold, Director of Logan

-Lexi Alexander, Director of several Arrowverse episodes

-Taika Waititi, Director of Thor: Ragnarok

-Kathryn Bigelow, Director of The Hurt Locker

-Edgar Wright, director of Scott Pilgrem vs. The World

Not to be outdone, Seth has some picks of his own:

-Joe Johnston, Director of Captain America

-Kenneth Branagh, Director of Thor

In other Disney/Star Wars/Marvel news, Bob Iger announced that Marvel movies and Star Wars content will be available on the upcoming Disney streaming service.

In the TV world, Season Four of Rebels will be the final season. Check out the trailer, and see how many more Easter Eggs you can find.

The second half of the show is more of a “shoot the breeze” type format where three geek friends just talk what’s on their minds. Ken talks the new Stargate Command website which will soon be streaming the new Stargate Origins prequel series. Derrick talks the new version of Stephen King’s It, and all three close out the conversation previewing the geek movies left in 2017.

This is a bit of a different show, but one we think you’ll enjoy. Another fun-filled Geekville Radio!

Examining The Dead: Tribute To Tobe Hooper

Examining The Dead: September 2017

WARNING: Podcast contains explicit content

It’s a different kind of episode this month for Examining The Dead. Once again, the Horror World lost another icon in the passing of the legendary Tobe Hooper.

Join host “Crazy Train” Jonathan Bolick, along with Seth “Zandrax” Zillmann and “The Big Deal” Clint Thiele as they pay tribute to the life and career of the late great director.

Hooper can be credited with pioneering not one, not two, but three sub-genres of modern horror filmmaking. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre helped pave the way for “Slasher Flicks” like Halloween and Friday The 13th. Wheras The Funhouse helped introduce the world to the “Scary Clown”. And, of course, Poltergeist raised the bar when it came to paranormal ghost stories.

However, Hooper did not stay only in movies. He directed episodes of Amazing Stories, Tales From The Crypt, and The Equalizer. He also directed the TV adaption of Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. And can you name the famous music video he directed early in the MTV days? The answer may surprise you.

All this and more in another fun-filled Examining The Dead!

Geekville Radio: Obi-Wan Movie! Is Han Solo Force Sensitive? Defenders Review!

In some pretty major Star Wars movie news, Hollywood Reporter has announced LucasFilm plans for a standalone Obi-Wan Kenobi film. No writer or star have been attached, but Academy Award nominated director Stephen Daldry is in negotiations to direct the film. Join Seth and Train as they discuss the possibilities of the film, and where this could lead to as far as future standalone movies.

Who would you like to see in their own movie? Boba Fett? Jabba The Hutt? Yoda? Sound off below and let us know!

In other Star Wars talk, there has been rampant fan speculation as to whether Han Solo was Force Sentsitive. Train and Seth discuss the possibility, including a pretty rock solid theory by Seth.

And only on Geekville Radio will you hear Force Sensitivity explained in Megadeth and Eric Clapton references…

The latter half of the show is devoted to reviewing the latest Marvel Netflix series The Defenders. Did it live up to the hype? Did it have a suitable ending? And how awesome was Evil Sigourney Weaver?

Plus, Seth and Train speculate on where the “MNU” may be heading after Defenders.

All this and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!

Geekville Radio 181: Disney vs. Netflix

Disney has a much publicized split with Netflix, as Disney plans on starting their own streaming service in 2019. Disney had the following to say in their own press release.

“The new Disney-branded service will become the exclusive home in the U.S. for subscription-video-on-demand viewing of the newest live action and animated movies from Disney and Pixar, beginning with the 2019 theatrical slate, which includes Toy Story 4, the sequel to Frozen, and The Lion King from Disney live-action, along with other highly anticipated movies. Disney will also make a significant investment in an annual slate of original movies, TV shows, short-form content and other Disney-branded exclusives for the service. Additionally, the service will feature a vast collection of library content, including Disney and Pixar movies and Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD television programming.”

The Marvel Netflix shows (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc…) are still safe on Netflix. But what does this mean for Star Wars movies? the Marvel MCU?

In Deadpool news, we got our first glimpse of Josh Brolin as Cable, and Zazie Beets as Domino. What are the initial reactions?

The middle portion of the show looks at the Flarrowverse and the much anticipated four-way crossover between Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, and Legends Of Tomorrow. CW president Mark Pedotiz had this to say about the premise of the mega event.

 “I do not want to give it away, I don’t want to give any spoiler alerts but let me just say, romance is in the air.”

So what does this mean? Are Barry and Iris finally tying the not? Ollicity reborn? Alex and Maggie? With all the ‘ships in the Flarrowverse this could be just one big CW Prom Night that could double as the Musical Episode.

In Arrow news, Marc Guggenheim has revealed they have plans for a Season 7 already.

“We’ve already started talking about ooh, we have a shape for season seven already.  This is the earliest we’ve ever had an idea for a season that far ahead, but it’s come out of our conversations about season six.”

“I think we’ve always had an endpoint in mind.  We’ve always known how we want to end the show. That end point doesn’t require X number of seasons. If we had to, we could work towards it as long as we knew with enough leeway, we could work towards the moment we’ve been talking about since day one.”

At the end of the article

“Certainly the whole idea behind the cliffhanger is that there are consequences to the explosions on the island that affect Oliver and affect the surviving members of his team,” Gugenheim said. “Spoiler alert, we didn’t kill off everyone except for Oliver and one person. He still will have a team. The question is what is the composition of that team and how are they all affected by the trauma of what happened at the end of last year. For us, it’s more than a binary thing of who lives and who dies. There are consequences that we’re also playing around with as a result.”

It’s also confirmed that Tom Felton will be leaving in Season 4 of Flash, but Hartley Sawyer will be joining the cast

Lots of news on Legends of Tomorrow Season 3. We’re getting Gorilla Grodd back, and more info on Damien Darkh. Plus hints that this will be a much mor mystical and magic oriented season. Ummm, Constantine anyone?

Judge Dredd fans may rejoice, as Karl Urban has confirmed talks with the producers of Mega City One, the Dredd TV show in pre-production

Finally, Seth and Train pay tribute to the memory of the late great Glen Campbell. How does Glen Campbell fit in with geekery? Well, you’ll understand if you’ve seen Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2.

All this, plus Cop Rock references and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!



Examining The Dead: All-Star Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team

It’s back to the regular Examining The Dead format this month. Here are the show notes so you can follow along while listening to Episode 15. Hosts Crazy Train and Seeth welcome the debuting Clint from The Geekdig Podcast to talk all things horror in TV, movies, and video gaming.


Gun Media, the publisher of the Friday The 13th video game, have officially announced a free Single Player Story Mode DLC expansion. This means you can play the game without any multiplyer necessary. What kind of scenario could it be?? And who woulld you play as, Jason or a Counselor?

Netflix has announced an August 25th premiere date for their original horror project Death Note.

In other video game news, rumors persist that Valve may be working on a Left 4 Dead 3 game with an updated version of the classic No Mercy Map. While there have been no official statements, that hasn’t stopped the rumors from picking up steam. (See what we did there?). What could a third Left For Dead game bring to the table?

Also in TV news, Train gives a preview of the second season of Preacher. Not only has the setting changed from Texas to New Orleans, but we’re getting a lot of character development with Jesse, Tulip, and The Saind Of Killers

Back in the video game world, the classic horror game Splatterhouse has been released for Nintendo Switch as part of a multigame bundle.

Finally, Train, Clint and Seth talk The Dark Tower movie, which will be in theaters by the time you hear this.


First up, Clint and Train give a long form review of The Friday The 13th Game, and air their grievances about the server issues in the opening weeks of play. Thankfully, IllFonic and Gun Media were very proactive when trying to fix the connection issues for players.

As far as the game goes, it’s an awesome game when it’s working. Train and Clint share stories about fun moments in the game. And how there are cool subtle elements to it, like the inability to communicate with other players unless you are in close proximity within the game. And of course there’s the kills.

The other entry in The Gruesome Twosome is horror talk coming out of San Diego Comic Con.


Into The Crystal Ball has a fun “geek out” discussion where Train, Clint, and Seth help assemble an All Star Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team, starring characters from movies, TV, and video games alike.

There were two main qualifiactions for team selection. The characters had to be directly part of a zombie related title, so no Terminator or Batman. And of course, the character had to have actual experience fighting zombies. Aslo, only one character from each title. So no Rick Grimes AND Daryl Dixon.

This is the type of fun geek-centric talk podcasting was seemingly made for.

WARNING: Examining The Dead is Geekville Radio’s only Explicit Rated show. Content is intended for mature audiences.

Martian Cowboy Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Geekville Radio #180: San Diego Comic Con Coverage


Justice League Trailer

The Flash standalone movie will be an adaption of Flashpoint, which is funny because that was the gist of Season 3 of The Flash TV show. Could this mean we see Jeffrey Dean Morgan?

Also discussed during the show: A Green Lantern Corps. Movie, Justice League Dark, Shazam, and Aquaman.

Speaking of Aquaman, Seth reminisces about this scene from Justice League Unlimited, which Jason Momoa would absolutely kill it doing.


Over in the DC TV Realm, we got trailers for all the Flarrowverse titles

Arrow Season 6 Trailer

The Flash Season 4 Trailer

Legends Of Tomorrow Season 3 Trailer

Supergirl Season 3 Trailer

Also announced for TV, Young Justice Season 3: Outsiders. Which sadly will not star Scott Hall and Kevin Nash– Oh wait… wrong Outsiders.

And finally, some notes about the Black Lightning panel.

In Marvel news, there was an Avengers Infinity War trailer shown, but it hasn’t been released to the public. Thus we are limited to knowledge on what was actually shown. How many faces were actually seen in the trailer? And who’s left to be seen?

Thor Ragnarok Trailer

Black Panther Trailer

It was revealed that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990’s with Skrulls as the villains.

Over in Marvel TV, we got a new Defenders Trailer, complete with a wonderfully evil Sigourney Weaver

Defenders Trailer

In Iron Fist news, Misty Knight is officially coming to Iron Fist Season 2. And as we’ve said before, this is integral to the Iron Fist story.

The Gifted trailer has revealed all the major players

The Gifted Trailer

As you can see from the trailer, Thunderbird, Polaris, Blink, Eclipse, Andy Strucker & Lauren Strucker are the main characters of the story.

Inhumans Comic-Con Trailer

In non-comic news, the Ready Player One trailer took the world by storm. Seth and Train loved the trailer, but hear some of the immediate differences noticed between the book and the movie

Ready Player One Trailer

Plus there was discussion about Blade Runner 2049, and the whole immersive experience given at the Con next to Hall H.

And we of course can’t forget the Pacific Rim: Uprising trailer, starring John Boyega.

Pacific Rim: Uprising

Is there anything that sparked your interest about Comic Con? Anything you want us to go over? Anything cool you want discussed in the future? Sound off below. Like and Share to get the word out!

Examining The Dead: Tribute To George Romero

The Horror Genre lost a true pioneer this week with the passing of George A. Romero, widely regarded as the father of the modern zombie horror genre. Join host “Crazy Train” Jonathan Bolick, Seth “Zandrax” Zillmann, and “Uncle” Greg Ochaba as they pay tribute to the man who started it all with Night Of The Living Dead, and had a hand in so many “______ Of The Dead” movies and stories. Plus, hear some of the projects he had outside of horror including the many sports documentaries he directed in the 1970s.

This is great stuff for Horror fans, especially for those who want to know about the origins of the Zombie Apocalypse niche.

Theme music: “Martian Cowboy” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License