Ready Player One Review

Ready Player One was a hit novel with geeks and fans of 80’s nostalgia for years. Now the feature film has finally arrived, helmed by none other than the great Steven Spielberg. Join Seth and Crazy Train in reviewing the movie, and catching as many easter eggs as possible. Plus Seth will point out some of the differences between the book and the film

2017 Hits And Misses

Happy New Year everybody! Geekville Radio looks back on the Hits and Misses of 2017.

Wonder Woman, Thor Ragnarok, Justice League, Crisis On Earth X, Valerian, Video Game DLC, and so much more are discussed in this once a year wrap-up.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review

A thorough rundown (that means SPOILERS) of the latest Star Wars installment, The Last Jedi. Special guest Clint from The GeekDig Podcast joins Seth and Crazy Train to discuss the film. The main topics are Big News, Talking Points, Unanswered Questions, and Episode IX.

The first part of the show, the trio compare what movie trailers were shown before the movie, so if you just want to hear the Star Wars talk, skip ahead to about 16:15.

Crisis On Earth X Review

Nazis! Nazis everywhere!

This special edition of Geekville Radio is devoted to The CW Arrowverse crossover Crisis On Earth X. It’s pretty much universally agreed that you can put nazis in anything sci-fi and it will never get old. Join Seth, Crazy Train, and special Guest Stargate Pioneer of The Gonna Geek Network as they review all four installments of the crossover.

Evil Ollie? Evil Supergirl? Paul Blackthorne keeping his impeccable Bristishness? Was it better than the Justice League movie? It’s all discussed in this near two hour geekout!

Deadpool 2 Trailer, Punisher and Justice League Reviews

It’s a review filled edition of Geekville Radio with three big subjects to go through.

First off, Fox has released another trailer for Deadpool 2, featuring Deadpool parodying the late great Bob Ross. How many Easter Eggs were in it? And did we get all the references.

Also in the Marvel field, The Punisher series had made its long-awaited Netflix debut. In a mild spoiler review, Seth and Crazy Train discuss the series and whether it lives up to expectations.

The final segment of the show is devited to a thorough review of the highly anticipated Justice League movie. Why did it get panned? And is it really as bad as some fans are making it out to be? Warning: This review is SPOILER HEAVY, so it’s highly recommended to see the film before listening to avoid spoilers.

All this and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!

New Star Wars Trilogy and TV Show, Disney vs. Netflix, Thor Ragnarok Review

This show might as well be called Geekville Disney Radio, as it’s all Disney projects in the news this week. Seth is joined by Crazy Train and special guest Uncle Greg to discuss these topics.

First off, Disney has announced an all new Star Wars trilogy to be helmed by Rian Johnson. The only thing known about the unnamed movies are that they will not be centered around the Skywalker family. What setting could this be? And is this something fans truly want to see?

In other Star Wars news, Disney has officially announced a long rumored Star Wars TV show as part of their upcoming streaming service. Again, what could the setting be? And who could run such an anticipated project?

On top of this, Disney has stated that there will be no new Marvel shows on Netflix, and that all future spinoffs will be on their aforementioned streaming service. But what does this mean for existing material like Daredevil and Jessica Jones?

In the final segment of the show, the panelists review the latest blockbuster film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor Ragnarok. Did it live up to the hype? Was it “The Best MCU Movie Ever”? And how awesome were Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, and Karl Urban?

All this and more in another fun filled Geekville Radio!