Mandalorian Review and The Force Heal Controversy

Geekville Radio #251: The Mandalorian and The Force Healing Controversy

Unlike The Rise Of Skywalker, The Mandalorian was almost universally praised by both critics and fans. This was at least in part due to the popularity of The Child, aka Baby Yoda. Seth and the returning Crazy Train talk the first season of the popular show.

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Geekville Radio #250: Rise Of Skywalker Review #3

Rise Of Skywalker Review #3

It’s round three for The Rise Of Skywalker reviews, this time with returning guests RealMarchHare (Andrew) and Norko Kipte from The Wrestling Brethren podcast.

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Could The Mystery Hunter in The Mandalorian be…

In the fifth episode of The Mandalorian, a mystery hunter appeared. No face was shown, but that didn’t stop a plethora of fan-theories from populating the internet. One of the biggest theories pointed to the mystery hunter as Boba Fett himself. Heck, we even speculated that it might be Cad Bane.

But who is this person? There is only one episode left for a suitable explanation. The Imperial villains seemed to be a step ahead of Mando and Greef. There is one logical explanation.

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Geekville Radio #249: Rise Of Skywalker In-Depth Review

Seth is joined once again by Crazy Train Jonathan Bolick to talk The Rise Of Skywalker. Much like The Last Jedi, RoS has its share of fans who have either loved or disliked the film.

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Rise Of Skywalker Podcast Review

The Rise Of Skywalker Review, Light Spoilers

Seth flies solo to review Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker. There are light spoilers, nothing major. Just initial thoughts of the wrap-up of the Skywalker Saga, and how it concluded a nine-movie story.

Rise Of Skywalker Review

Well, it’s finally here, the end of “The Skywalker Saga”. Or as others still call it, Star Wars. In case you’ve been frozen in carbonite for the last year or two, Disney announced that Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker will be the last film with the proper episode titles established in 1980. More movies will be made, but those will explore new stories and new characters.

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The Mandalorian Chapter 6 Review

Right off the bat, one of the things that differentiated this episode from the others was that it took place entirely in space or on a ship. This did cause the show to lose a little bit of the Western feel, but it also reminded us that this is still a galaxy far, far away. It also inadvertently made the episode seem a little more like a fan film, just a darn good one.

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All The Rise Of Skywalker Spots We Can Find

Here are all the Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker trailers, previews, and TV spots that we can find. NO leaked footage or snapshots. These are only spots officially released by LucasFilm and Disney. The last one linked potentially has the biggest story reveal so far, so you may consider it a spoiler warning.

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