Hawkeye Episode 4: “Partners, Am I Right?” Review

While the latest MCU series might not be the most popular compared to earlier entries, Hawkeye has still been a very entertaining show. This fourth episode starts the latter half of its first season.

WARNING: SPOILERS AHOY! Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!

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Examining The Doctor #92: Horror Of Fang Rock Part Two


Mark and Seth return to give their signature blend of knowledge and humor into the Tom Baker Doctor Who classic story Horror of Fang Rock.

After the sudden death of a lighthouse crew member, a ship crashes into the rocky shores of Fang Rock. While The Doctor and the remaining lighthouse crew rush to save the survivors, Leela sees a mysterious creature in the water.

Sources of information: TARDIS Data CoreBrief History of Time and Space

Geekville Radio #297: Spider-Man Trailer, Disney Plus Day, Hawkeye Review

Crazy Train has escaped the asylum and joins Seth via phone for a jam-packed edition of Geekville Radio!

Continue reading Geekville Radio #297: Spider-Man Trailer, Disney Plus Day, Hawkeye Review