National Podcast Post Month Day 10: The Green Hornet

Day 10 of National Podcast Post Month, or NaPodPoMo, brings us another edition of The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame. Many fans remember the 1966 TV show with Van Williams and Bruce Lee, but did you know that the character had existed for 30 years before that TV show? Join Seth and Crazy Train as they discuss the long storied history of the character and the surprising lineage back to the fictional Old West.

The Green Hornet was created in 1936 by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker, the same creators as The Lone Ranger. Like before, the character was originally conceived for radio serials. We previously discussed both menĀ in our previous episode about The Lone Ranger.

A more in-depth look into The Green Hornet is in the show notes for The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame episode.