Tom Welling Man Of Steel Deepfake

For years, fans of Smallville have wondered if the show could have made a transition to the big screen. Fan-edits depicting Tom Welling’s Clark Kent as a fully-fledged Superman have been made before. Now, with the regular availability of Deepfake technology, Youtuber Jarkan has made a remix of Man Of Steel using the Smallville actor in the role.

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Star Wars Underworld Leaked Footage

Test footage has leaked from the canceled Star Wars Underworld TV project. This was one of the shows under production when LucasFilm was sold to Disney in 2012. Shortly after the sale, production was halted on both Underworld and the animated Detours series. There has been no official release of any episodes.

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Morbius Trailer

The first Morbius trailer

Sony released the first trailer for Morbius, the latest addition to their own little corner of Marvel properties. It gives the gist of the title character’s background. Renowned scientist Michael Morbius accidentally turns himself into a vampire by seeking a cure for his own blood disease.

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Birds Of Prey Second Trailer

The second, and likely final, trailer for Birds Of Prey

Birds Of Prey, the highly anticipated follow-up to 2016’s Suicide Squad, features Margot Robbie’s return to the DCEU as Harley Quinn. It also introduces Black Canary, Huntress, and Cassandra Cain to the movie world. This time around, Harley will be Joker-free.

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All The Crisis On Infinite Earths Cameos So Far

One of the biggest fan-favorite things about The CW’s Crisis On Infinite Earths has been the sheer number of cameos. Some of them are played for comedy, some are serious, and others put closures on past characters.

SPOILERS: Obligatory Spoiler Warning! If you have not watched the first three episodes of Crisis On Infinite Earths, you may want to turn away. Come back after you’ve seen the episodes.

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Crisis On Infinite Earths Final Trailer

The full-length trailer for CW’s Crisis On Infinite Earths

After a full year of hype, The CW’s Crisis On Infinite Earths adaption is upon us. At last, we have a full-length trailer that gives more details on what is in store for us in the five-part mini-series.

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