National Podcast Post Month Day 10: The Green Hornet

Day 10 of National Podcast Post Month, or NaPodPoMo, brings us another edition of The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame. Many fans remember the 1966 TV show with Van Williams and Bruce Lee, but did you know that the character had existed for 30 years before that TV show? Join Seth and Crazy Train as they discuss the long storied history of the character and the surprising lineage back to the fictional Old West.

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Geekville Radio #299: Triple Whammy 2021

Seth and Train end 2021 with a triple whammy of geek reviews! First up, Spider-Man: No Way Home followed by the season finale of Hawkeye. And finally, the series premiere of The Book of Boba Fett. 2021 may have been a lousy year but there were some great geek movies and programming.

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Geekville Radio #298

Seth and Train return with news on DC TV, Shang-Chi 2, Book of Boba Fett, and final predictions for the Hawkeye season finale

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Geekville Radio #296: Who are The Eternals anyway?

Seth flies solo to talk about The Book of Boba Fett trailer and The Eternals in Marvel comics.

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The Lesser-Known Geek Hall Of Fame #11: Horror Hosts

The month of Halloween continues here at Geekville Radio and we are inducting our Halloween-themed entry into The Lesser-Known Geek Hall Of Fame.

There were many Horror Hosts over the years. Not only too many to name, but some that became way too popular to be considered “lesser-known”. A certain well-endowed beehive hairdo-wearing hostess comes to mind… But the pop-culture icons of today wouldn’t have existed without many of the names we list below.

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31 Horror Trailers for Halloween 2021

It is time for Examining The Dead’s “31 Lesser-Known Horror Films”! This is our 3rd annual undertaking of this event. Simple rules. Every day in October we will post the trailer to a lesser-known or underappreciated horror film. This should give even the most devout horror mavens something to think about for their Halloween viewing this year.

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Examining The Dead #30: Body Horror

Train and Seth return for the (as of now) only NSFW podcast in the Geekville Radio family.

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