National Podcast Post Month Day 30: Utter Craziness

It’s the LAST DAY of NaPodPoMo. And to close out the month we just throw a bunch of stuff against the wall. We start off with the longrunning favorite: Chuck Norris Jokes

Everybody seems to have their bunch of “Chuck Norris Facts”. Our collection can be found here.

But first, here are some ACTUAL VERIFIABLE Chuck Norris Facts.

The rest of the show is just some bits and skits I helped take part in. you can kind of think of it as a BONUS REEL.

0:15 – Intro

3:20 – Real Life Chuck Norris Facts

4:10 – Chuck Norris “Facts”

12:15 – Closing

13:00 – Old A1 Podcast clip

14:45 – Transformers music with added cowbell

16:50 – Old Geekville Podcast commercial – “Examining The Doctor #5: The Peter Davison Years”

18:50 – A1 Podcast “Office 3:16”

19:20 – Celebrity Theater “Lord Of The Rings starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Hulk Hogan”

20:20 – “The End Of The World: December 12, 2012”

25:00 – Zandrax reads “Han Shoots First”

27:55 – Ian McDiarmid as Shakespearian Palpatine

29:20 – Retro Geekville Podcast Closing

NOTE – Most if not all of the sites and/or links mentioned in these “post-credit clips” no longer work