X-Men ’97 Episode 3 “Fire made Flesh” Review

SPOILER WARNING! The following contains spoilers for X-Men ’97 Episode 3! Do not proceed if you wish to avoid spoilers!


  • Sinister cloned Jean with the intent of kidnapping the Summers’ offspring
  • Clone Jean became The Goblin Queen but is better already
  • Nathan went with Bishop back to his future time where a cure for the Techno Virus could be used on him

Beast determines the Jean that showed up at the end of last week’s episode is the real Jean, while the one that’s been with the team since the Dark Phoenix season was the clone. This upsets Clone Jean so that she snaps and creates a warped reality around the heroes. The ensuing fight sees several weird monster creations appear to battle the heroes.

During the ruckus, Sinister kidnaps baby Nathan and puts him in his lab. Clone Jean, who took the Goblin Queen name, regains her senses and zaps Sinister. Cyclops and OG Jean then save Nathan and return home. Finally, Clone Jean leaves the school and adopts the name Madelyne Pryor.

in the final scene, Storm in dressed in her leather punk rocker getup. She’s approached by Forge, who offers to help her regain her powers.


  • Is Madelyne really back to being a normal person?
  • Why can’t Nathan return home if he is cured?


There was a TON of stuff that probably wouldn’t be seen on network TV on a Saturday morning animated series. Monsters like something from a Lovecraft book, blood splattering, and other disturbing visuals would have been deemed too scary for children. And that’s without even getting into the horrors of infecting an infant child with a horrible virus. This covered so much ground so quickly that it felt like a highlight reel.

I’ll have a lot more to say on the next Geekville Radio episode.